Young Nebraska Scientists Organization Offers Camps Across The State For This Summer

Young Nebraska Scientists Organization offers camps across the state for this upcoming Summer.

Applications close April 15 for YNS camps including:

* CyberCamp, June 6-9 at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, for middle and high school students;

* Soil and Plants in Agriculture, June 11-15 day camp at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, for middle schoolers;

* Algae for Biofuels, June 17-21 at Doane University in Crete, for middle schoolers;

* Life Underground: the Unseen Power of Microbes, June 17-20 at UNL, for high schoolers;

* Biodiversity Field Science, June 17-23 at UNL Cedar Point Biological Station (Ogalalla), for high schoolers;

* Secret Life of Metals, an inorganic chemistry day camp, July 16-18 at Creighton University.

YNS is a way for Nebraska middle school and high school students to “try out” colleges while doing hands-on science. Conducted by Nebraska EPSCoR with support from the National Science Foundation, need-based scholarships are available. For information and online applications, see Questions about YNS should be directed to or 402-472-8944.

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