Ainsworth Library Board will be meeting on March 6, 2024 at 5 p.m. at the public library. Please note that this meeting is open to the public.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act
3. Roll call
4. Approve minutes
5. Approve claims for payment
6. Monthly Library Report/List of titles Purchases/Need/train some extra help at library/construction work starting on North Main Street & how to handle when in front of library
7. Blind Date with a Book
8. Book Club: Review of Feb. 20th: “Here’s to US”-Hilderbrand
March 18th: “Educated”-Westover
April 15th: “Lessons in Chemistry”
9. Storytime: Review of Feb. 20th Love topic
March 19th St. Patrick’s topic
April 16th Spring topic
10. Read Across America-Dr. Seuss Hour-March 4
11. Poison Prevention Education Class-March 12
12. Community Blood Pressure Monitor
13. National Library Week April 7-13
14. Total Solar Eclipse April 8th
15. D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything and Read Day)-April 12
16. Art Guild’s Spring Art Show April 12-29
17. Workshop-Meetings:
a. Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting: Feb. 1st, 8th, and 15th
b. Library Foundation Board Meeting-Feb. 21st
c. Big Talk from Small Libraries-March 23rd
d. Nebraska State Library Advisory Board-March 20th-Lincoln
e. Nebraska Legislature Day-March 20th-Lincoln
18. Correspondence:
a. Information on New Voter ID Law
b. Articles of interest from Library Journals/Newsletters
19. Set next meeting date/time
20. Adjournment