The 2024 “Adventure Begins at your Library” Summer Reading Program ran from June 1 – June 30th. It was a fun theme and the sixteen Fun-Hours at the Library covered travel adventures, sky adventures, water adventures, and land adventures. Crafts consisted of suitcase with a pass book; pool noodle boat, lighthouse, safari vest and hat, compass, and a hot air balloon. We had a total of 53 children sign up for Toddler Time; Preschool Storytime; K-1st Grade group; and the 2nd-4th Grade group.
The grade school age children kept track of the time they read during June in the on-line app called Reader Zone. We had a total of 14 readers use Reader Zone. Total time they read came to 6,527 minutes. Top readers included Leon Carpenter with 1,232 minutes and Kimberlyn Doke with 1,102 minutes. Other readers meeting the 500 minute goal were Sutton Owens Brodbeck, Ariyah Voss, Landon Arens, Easton Lammers, and Jett Hansmeyer. The 14 readers will receive a book bag full of various prizes and a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.
We hope that everyone enjoy the Reading Program. Up next will be the Smokey Bear Reading Challenge. Information will be released soon on this challenge so be watching for this information.