January Library Board Minutes

The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on January 8, 2025 at the Ainsworth Public Library.  This meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, over the radio, at the Library, and on the library’s website and FaceBook page.  President Stacey Gilliland called the meeting to order at 5 p.m.  Notice was given on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act.  Roll call showed all five members present.  They included Stacey Gilliland, Tammy Hancock,Luke Hitchcock, Jean Hunt, and Alana Lentz.  Library director, Gail Irwin, was also present.  New board member Jean Hunt was welcomed on the board.

There was no one from the public at the meeting so no public comment was made.

Alane Lentz made the motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting.  Luke Hitchcock seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  Alane Lentz moved to approve the claims for payment.  Luke Hitchcock seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  The Monthly Library Report for November and December was presented as well as a list of titles purchased.  It was noted at this time that the City would be open on Jan. 9th and not closed for the National Day of Mourning for President Carter.  Full time employees may take a day off later in exchange for this holiday.

The Public Library survey for 2024 has been submitted and the completed form was shared with the board.  The Public Library Data Survey Supplement was also submitted and shared with the board.  A copy of these two reports will be given to the City for their records.  

Information on the Dolly Parton Imagination Library was shared.  It was noted that the Giving Tuesday on Facebook in December raised a total of $620.  We had a match donor so the final total was $1,120.  It was noted that Ainsworth currently has 82 active children in the program and 62 children that have aged out of the program.  That is a total of 144 kids in Brown County that have received free books in this program.  Each child now costs $2.25 a month so the 2025 expenses will roughly be at $2,250.  Donations may be made year round through the Imagination Library’s website and then selecting NE-Brown County.  The Library Foundation will also be doing a book basket for auction at the Chamber Gala on Jan. 25th with proceeds going to the Imagination Library.  Traci Booth is working with the Sandhills Care Center to raise additional funds in March with a reading with residents pledge.  Dolly will be having a 30th year celebration June 16-20th.  Traci is working on holding a special event at this time.  

It was noted that the Nebraska Library Commission now has Tech Kits with coding options and lesson plans for loan. 15 copies of each kit are available.  The loan period is for 30-days.  The library will have to pay for the return shipping.  Some of the library systems are offer assistance with return mailing costs.

The library director shared information on the Volunteer Tax Assistance Program that will run in the library this tax season. Linda Moody from the IRS has been helping to organize this. Three local residents have been attending training and getting certified to help with this. The Library will schedule appointments and send them to the helpers prior to the day of the event.  Taxpayers will be asked to sign-up two days prior to their appointment. An Open House will be held at the library on Jan.31st so the public may meet the helpers.

A review of events for November/December was presented on Storytimes and Book Club.  Upcoming events include Storytime on Jan. 7th and 21st, Book Club with the 2024 One Book One Nebraska title on Jan. 21st; and the Blind Date with a Book during the month of February.

Various workshops/meetings attended by staff and library board members were shared.  The Director attended the Director’s Thursday Zoom Meeting on Nov.  7th & 14th and Dec. 5th and 12th.  The Director attended the Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries Meeting on Nov. 15th where information on the new rule on Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps for state and local governments in its regulations for Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act for people with disabilities. Two staff members (Wanda Raymond and Gail Irwin) and two library board members (Stacey Gilliland and Alana Lentz) attended the Nebraska Open Meeting Act on Nov. 14th.  Wanda Raymond attended the Cyber Ready Community Game of Dec. 10th at the ESU 17.  The Ainsworth Library Foundation held their board meeting on No. 20th.  Coming up will be the Summer Reading Program Workshop in Kearney on Feb. 26th and the Big Talk From Small Libraries Conference on Feb. 28th.  Luke Hitchcock made the motion to close the library on Feb. 28th so staff could attend this all day conference.  Tammy Hancock seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  

Under correspondence, some Christmas Cards were shared with the Board as well as articles of interest from library journals and newsletters.  

The next meeting date/time was set for Feb. 5th at 5 p.m.  Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m.

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