Learning Studio

Our library has been hosting the Nebraska Library Commission innovative studio temporarily for the last couple months. We have tried out the equipment and have found what we think will work for our library. We have also thought about how to best work with the space that we have. What…

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1000 books before kindergarten program

Butler Memorial Library’s 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program is a fun, exciting, and free way to start your child on the path to success! Any child ages birth to five years can participate. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Register: Pick up program materials at the library or you may have received the materials from school.

2. Track Your Reading: Fill in a circle for each book that you read to your child on your reading record. 3. Every Book Counts: Even if your child wants to hear the same book again and again, you can count it each time. You can also count the books your child hears in story time, in daycare or preschool, or with a friend or family member, as long as the child listens to the entire book. 4. Milestones: We will have prize available for every 100 books completed up to 1000 books. Bring your completed sheets in to collect a prize and a new reading tracker sheet.

Some of the prizes available above

One thousand books may seem like a lot, but if you read just one book a night you will finish you journey in under three years. If you read 3 books every night then you’ll have in completed in just one year! Enjoy your journey to 1,000 books before kindergarten!

Happy Reading!


Back to School!

With school starting August 12th we would like everyone to know that we have accelerated reading books expanding from level 1 to level 7 and above. Accelerated reader usually starts in first grade. This program personalizes goals around comprehension and engaged reading time. What is accelerated reader? According to:  A parent’s…

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Story Walk

This years story walk is coming to an end. There are just two stories left.The next story, The Magic Hat by Trica Tusa, will be put up this Thursday the 23, and the last story will be put up on August 6th. This weeks drawing will be for $50 in…

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Book Review- Grenade by Alan Gratz

Grenade takes place in World War ll during the American invasion of Okinawa, which lasted months, (83 days). Hideki, a main character in the story is a Okinawa protagonist and loses many family members and close soldiers. His school is destroyed from a bomb and the boys are enlisted in…

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