1000 Books FAQ’s

1000 Books FAQ’s

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can sign up for this program?

Any child from birth until Kindergarten can participate.  It can take anywhere from a few months to a few years to complete the program, depending on how many books you choose to read.

  • Why is it important to read to very young children?

Development of literacy skills begins at birth and continues throughout the toddler and preschool years.  The best way to ensure that a child has the skills necessary to learn to read is by having someone read aloud to them.

  • Can I really expect to read 1,000 books to my child before Kindergarten?

Yes!  It’s a lot easier than it sounds:

  • If you read 200 books a year from birth to age 5, you will have read 1,000 books.
  • If you read three books every day, you will have read 1,095 books in just one year!
  • If you read 10 books a week for 2 years, you will have read 1,040 books. Double that rate to read 1,040 books in only one year.
  • Do we have to only read books we borrow from the library?

No!  While we obviously want you to read books from the library, you can count books read at home, grandma’s house, waiting rooms… anywhere with books!

  • My child wants me to read the same book over and over. Can I count that book each time?

Yes!  Write the title down each time you read it.  Most children have a favorite book they want to hear over and over, and repetition helps them learn.  Try to sneak in some new books too, so they can hear new vocabulary and explore as many new concepts as possible.

  • I have more than one child I am reading to. Can I count the same title for each child?

Absolutely!  Also, if an older child reads to their younger sibling count those books too.

  • Can I count books that are read at a library storytime?

Yes, just ask for the titles to write down.