Get Your Murder Mystery Team Together Now! The Investigation begins August 1st!

Time to clue in at the library…

     It’s murder at the library with the kick off of the “Underground Murder Mystery” on Monday Aug 1st.    For patrons 14 through adult, there is plenty of motive, means and opportunity to figure out.  It will take team of 2 to 5 persons a week of sleuthing, searching and games to identify the killer.

     This free event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.  “Other libraries have had great success doing these all in one night.  I think ours will be a first having it over a week with new clues posted every couple of days both on the library  and community Facebook pages as well as the crime board in the library”, states Friends member Julie Meirose.

     Team signups begin the week of July 25th at the library.  Events start with the scenario being posted Monday night, August 1st followed by the viewing of the crime scene and treats in the library all day Tuesday August 2nd.  Teams receive a crime packet with the list of suspects and the coroner’s report then they are off following the clues!  Additional clues will be provided through the week leading up to final predictions on August 8th.  Plans are underway for the reveal and team prizes.  Team progress can be tracked on the crime board posted in the library. Here is your chance to be the next Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie, so start gathering your teammates and don’t miss the fun!


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