Logan View Elementary Students Celebrate “Read Across America” with QUIZ-A-THON

Accelerated Reader (A.R.) is a program used in the Logan View Elementary libraries to help promote reading and reading comprehension. Cherie Anderson, Logan View elementary librarian, facilitates the A.R. program with the support of classroom teachers. Students read library books and/or leveled reader books in their classrooms or at home and then take a short quiz over the story on the computer at school. The quiz is immediately scored and the student’s points accumulate over the school year to show them their progress. Goals are set and progress shows on their report as well so students can watch as they meet their goal throughout the year. Several classroom teachers use their points as incentives for rewards such as Book-It, class parties, etc. In the Media Center we also like to reward our readers, so once or twice a year we will recognize students’ progress with small prizes as rewards.
To celebrate Read Across America during the week of February 27th-March 1st (we had no school on the 2nd), at the Logan View 2nd-4th grade site in Hooper, Mrs. Anderson organized an “A.R. Quiz-a-thon.”
In an effort to encourage students to take as many quizzes as possible during those 4 days we offered them the chance to put their names into a drawing. Each time a student took a quiz their score was checked and if they received a 100% they were able to put their name into the drawing 3 times, 80%-90% received 2 chances in the drawing and 60%-70% got their name into the drawing once. To help Mrs. Anderson with her bulletin board each time a student took a quiz they added a flag to it. On Monday, March 5th names were drawn and students were allowed to go to the Media Center to pick a prize. Prizes included various items including books, posters, pencils, suckers, and other small fun items as well as Runza ice cream cone coupons, generously donated by Jeff Wacker. Any student whose name was in the drawing but did not get their name drawn, was given a consolation prize.
The exciting news was that students in grades 2-4 took a total of 295 A.R. quizzes in just 4 days! 2nd grade had 99% participation and 3rd grade had 100% participation! On Thursday students were allowed to wear pajamas to school and had reading activities in their classrooms.


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