Programs/ Events

Lexington Public Library has activities and events for everyone! Click on a section to see what we have to offer:

Scroll down to browse all categories, and a list of upcoming events.

Lego Club

LEGO Club: April 10 @ 3:30pm. 

Get CREATIVE, Build!

Ages 4 and up are welcome!
Join us the second Thursday of every month through the school year.  
LEGOS& DUPLO blocks will be available.
The club is supported by Lexington Public Library and Walmart.

If you have extra LEGOS at home, feel free to bring them in to add to the library collection.



Preschool Storytime

Wednesdays at 10:30am 

NO registration required; just come when you can. 



Prime Time

Friday evening @ 5pm. Next session begins: February 21-March 28 (Fridays @ 5:30 pm) Open to preschool and elementary children & their parents/ caregivers.

It’s free, but registration is required! Please stop by the library to register, or call Rossy at the library (324-2151).

Prime Time is an interactive program featuring story sharing, literacy exploration via play and group discussion for two age groups: preschool and elementary.

All Prime Time programs are free to participants and include complimentary books, nutritious meals, and door prizes! A light meal will be served prior to the program. Registration is required so we know how much food to get!

A trained facilitator reads and leads a group discussion of beautifully illustrated and award-winning children’s books which include classic stories as well as new tales that promote reading and school readiness. Another facilitator then leads the children and their parents through center-based activities based on the text that encourages increased comprehension and critical thinking. The program models strategies that encourage meaningful at-home reading behavior between parents/caregivers and their young children.

Upcoming Prime Time sessions: 2/16/2024, 2/23/2024, 3/1/2024, 3/8/2024, 3/15/2024, & 3/22/2024.





Novel Stitchers

Tuesdays @ 3:00 pm
If you enjoy stitching- knitting, crocheting, quilting, cross stitch, needlepoint, or have another portable stitching project- join us at the library for two hours of stitching and visiting.

Mommy Club 

We will resume meeting in October. Stay tuned for date, time and meeting topic/activity. 
Get together with other moms to plan events and activities for families & kids at the library.

izabeth Letts. Monday Afternoon Book Club

The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 14 at 3 pm to discuss The Ride of Her Life by Elizabeth Letts


Young Enough Book Club

YEBC will meet the fourth Monday of the month at 6 pm.
The next meeting is Monday, April 28to discuss The Little Liar by Mitch Albom.

Literary Guild

Literary Guild meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am. 

The next meeting of Literary Guild is Tuesday, April 22 to discuss My Antonia by Willa Cather. The 2025 One Book One Lexington selection. .


Spanish Book Club

 Spanish Book Club meets the 4th Monday of the month at 6 pm. Next meeting is February 24.

Classics Book Club

Classics Book Club meets in January, March, May, July, September, and November the 2nd Monday of the month at 6 pm. March’s title is the William Shakespeare play As You Like It. 

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