May 172019

What started out as a beautiful sunny day has become a windy, cool, rainy mess. So glad I walked to work today!  The rest of you, I am sure, were much smarter. In honor of that, treat yourself to some wonderful reads!

A beautifully evocative novel of the marshlands and a young, isolated girl trying to find her way. There is an intriguing mystery but the beauty of the book lies in the atmospheric land and the wonderful characters.

Ms. Owens is a nonfiction writer and zoologist too, I believe. I look forward to checking out more of her writing.


A soapy, angsty, intense teen murder mystery. It was wonderful. Teens and adults alike will find something to love in this novel.

Boys will be boys. B.J. and Caleb are led into adventure and trouble by the new kid in the neighborhood. An interesting story about how charisma can lead even the most careful astray and the value of true friendship.

Always being the “good egg” can be stressful. Sometimes you just have to accept those around you as they are and move on!  This was an adorable picture book.

An insightful look at the pitfalls in middle-grade friendship. While Grace is furious with Ellie, her ex-best friend, she also realizes when she herself is being mean. Hank, a new friend and someone outside the relationship, is kind about pointing out how some of the schemes could backfire without being a judgmental jerk. I really appreciated the thoughtful resolution. This was a great audio book!

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