It is the mission of the Meadow Grove Public Library to provide each individual with equal & adequate access to informational resources, including materials, services, programs, & technology. It is the goal of the library to achieve this responsibility within the limits of its personnel & budget.
The library provides books, materials and technology for information, entertainment, intellectual development, and enrichment of the people of the community. The library should endeavor to do the following for its patrons:
1. Select, organize and make available necessary books and materials.
2. Provide guidance and assistance to borrowers.
3. Initiate programs.
4. Cooperate with other community agencies and organizations.
5. Secure information beyond its own resources when requested.
6. Lend to other libraries upon request.
7. Provide services to nonresidents, disadvantaged, blind, and etc.
8. Maintain a balance in its services to various age groups.
9. Cooperate with, but not perform, the functions of school or other institutional libraries.
10. Provide service during hours which best meet the needs of the community.
11. Periodically review library services being offered.
Library Hours
Monday – CLOSED
Tuesday – 1:00-5:30 p.m.
Wednesday – 3:00-7:00 p.m.
Thursday – 10:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Friday – 3:00-7:00 p.m.
Saturday – 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Library Cards
Cards, with identification numbers are issued free to area residents and school teachers.
Most books and magazines may be checked out for two weeks, and may be renewed once unless they are on hold for another patron.
Videos are checked out for one week and may also be renewed once unless they are on hold for another patron, or new videos.
Items may be renewed by telephone and new books and videos may be reserved, if already checked out. We reserve the right to limit the number of items checked out on any library number.
All library materials should be returned at the desk or, when the library is closed, in the slot in the front door. Those items that will not fit should be brought back to the library when it is open.
Items are automatically renewed for one additional time, except for new videos or items that have been reserved by someone else. Patrons will only be notified once that they have overdue items, before fines will be assessed.
A fine of 10 cents per day the item is overdue (days the library is open).
Additional material cannot be checked out until all fines and fees have been paid in full.
Inter-Library Loan:
If the library does not have the material or information you need, we can call the Nebraska Library Commission and request this certain item. The fee for this service is $2.00 per item with 25 cents per day for overdue charges.
Two computers with printers are available for public use. Users must check in with the librarian. NO out-of-library discs are permitted. Printer fee is 15 cents per black and white sheet and $.30 per color sheet.
Internet is available the hours the library is open. The use of the Internet is contingent on compliance with the library’s Internet Policy.
The librarians will make copies. Cost is 10 cents per side of an 8 1/2”x11” sheet.
Fax Machine:
$1.00 to send the first page and 50 cents each additional page. 50 cents to receive each page.
Internet and Computer Use Guidelines
1. Computers are available during normal hours of library operartion.
2.Downloads may be made to a USB flash drive, or in some cases to a floppy disk. Disks are available for purchase at the Circulation desk.
3. The Library retains the right to reserve computers for special purposes.
4. Respect the privacy of others during their computer sessions.
5. Illegal use of the Internet is prohibited. The library cooperates fully with authorities wishing to prosecute criminals.
6. Sending lewd or threatening messages is prohibited.
7. Sending unsolicited email messages to large numbers of people is prohibited.
8. Customers may not use their own software programs on the library’s computers or alter the computer settings.
9. Damaging or altering computer hardware is prohibited.
10. Customers may not attempt to circumvent or compromise the security of any host, network, or account. This includes but is not limited to probing the security of other networks, logging into a server or account that the customer is not expressly authorized to access of masquerading as another person in order to obtain access to their account.
11. While using library computers, or the wireless network, customers are expected to abide by policies regarding food, drink and behavior.
Wireless Access
The Meadow Grove Public Library provides wireless Internet access. Individuals utilizing the wireless connections agree to comply with all provisions of the current Meadow Grove Public Library Internet Safety and Computer Use Policy.
Staff and Patron Safety Policy
No person shall engage in inappropriate conduct on the premises of the Public Library or when participating in Public library programs.
Inappropriate conduct shall include any individual or group activity which is disruptive to the other persons lawfully using inconsistent with activities such as reading, studying, proper use of library materials, and other similar conduct normally associated with a public library. Library users are required to observe the Rules governing the use of the Meadow Grove Public Library.
The following shall be deemed “inappropiate” and considered to be minor offenses:
Sleeping; excessive and disruptive conversations; eating or drinking in a public area of the library; monopolizing unreasonable numbers of library materials at any given time; unathorized canvassing, selling, soliciting, or engaging in any other commercial activity; violating internet and computer policies; excessive staring at patrons or staff; preventing staff from normal, reasonable, clean-up, reshelving activities, especially 10 minutes before cloing; being in a state of intoxication: smoking; bringing any animal into the library, except working animals which assist the disabled; other activities (not listed as Major Offenses) which are inconsistent with activities such as reading, studying, use of library materials, and other similar conduct normally associated with the use of public library facilities.
Treatment of Minor Offenses
1. 1 warning for first infraction of any offense.
2. Second infraction within 30 days results in removal from the library premise for 1 day. Parents of children under 18 will be notified in writing when their children commits a second infraction and has been removed from the library.
3. Third infraction within 60 days or continuous repeat infractions may result in banning from the library premises for not less than 2 weeks or more than 6 months.
Any persons violating the following rules will be immediatedly removed from the building. The patron may be barred for a period up to 6 months at the discretion of the Library Director, depending on the nature and the seriousness of the offense which required removal, the extent of damage or disruption caused, any history of prior infractions of library policies and other relevant circumstances.
Stealing, defacing or damaging library property; abusive, indecent, profane or drunken conversation and/or behavior; committing any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of a municipal ordinance, not covered under MINOR OFFENSES, on the premises of the library: knowingly entering non-public areas of the library.
After staff consultation regarding repeat or major behavioral problems, and it is determined that the person should be banned:
1. Staff in charge will make a recommendation to the Director detailing the reasons for the proposed banning.
2. Director will consult with staff and provide written decision.
3. The written decision shall set forth the period during which the patron shall be banned from the library and shall specify the reasons for the determination. The patron may be banned for a period from 2 weeks to 6 months at the discretion of the Library Director, depending on the nature and the seriousness of the offense which required removal, the extent of damage or disruption caused, any history of prior infractions of library policies and other relevant circumstances.
4. The patron and all staff will be notified in writing of the reasons for and length of the banning. A copy will also be sent to the police and to the Library Board President.
5. The Director may review or reconsider the decision upon written request of the patron and may shorten or terminate the banning period if information submitted by the patron warrants such modification. The Director will respond in writing and notify the individual of the appeals process
Any person who enters or remains on library premises after having been notified by an authorized individual not to do so, and any person who enters or remains on the library premises during the period in which he or she has been banned from the library, will be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.
After the banning period has elapsed, the patron may re-apply for readmission through administrative channels. However, he or she will need to be prepared to show evidence that the offending behavior will not re-occur. In the absence of valid documentation (from a social worker, doctor, or police) application may be denied.
In the event that a person is granted readmission and then exhibits any of the behaviors described earlier, they will be denied access with no further possibility of reinstatement.
Meadow Grove Public Library Board acknowledges the fact that no single library can acquire material which meets all the demands and needs of its patrons. It also acknowledges that an effective Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL) adds significantly to the level of information the library can make available.
It is the policy of Meadow Grove Public Library to provide access of printed materials not owned by the library through Interlibrary Loan Service. Books, magazine articles, and other library materials are included in this service.
Patrons using this service are assessed a fee of $2.00 per item to cover the cost of returning the materials. Patrons are also responsible for any and all loss or damage to materials borrowed from other libraries. The fine for Interlibrary Loan materials returned after the due date is 25 cents per day, per item. Borrowing is subject to the rules of the lending library.
Meadow Grove Public Library abides by Copyright Law (Title 17 US Code) in the borrowing of materials.
Denial of Library Privileges Policy
The use of the library and/or its services may be denied, temporarily or permanently, for due cause, including but not limited to failure to return books or to pay penalties, destruction or loss of library property, disturbance of other patrons, or any other conduct on library premises deemed objectionable by the library staff.
Patrons have a right of appealing to the Meadow Grove Public Library Board.