Some of the things we do for our youngest Patrons a sidewalk obstical course.
July 4th
Memorial Day
We would like to take a moment to remember our fallen heroes. Therefore we will be closed on Momorial Day to be with our loved ones.
The Meadow Grove Library is hosting the 1st annual city wide garage sale
The Meadow Grove Library Receives 100 books

Our library has received a gift of 100 new children’s books, ranging from pre-kindergarten through early readers. These books are a donation from Brownstone Book Fund, a private foundation in New York City. They are interested in fostering early reading, a love of books and encouraging parents and children to …
James and Susan Patterson

One of the Meadow Grove Librarians Chrisitina Kivett and her children Elizabeth and Benjamin were able to go to the fifth annual Marion Marsh Brown Writers Lecture Series presented by the University of Nebraska Omaha College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media, located at the Baxter Arena. This event was …
James Patterson
April 11th: Marion Marsh Brown Writewrs Lecture Series: James and Susan Patterson 7pm. At the Baxter Arena 2425 67th st Omaha NE, 68106. Christina is planning to attend so keep a look out for pictures and and artical that will acompany them.