Objectives and Goals
The Osceola Public Library is funded by the City of Osceola for the purpose of supplying equal and adequate access to informational resources including books, databases, internet access, and periodicals. The library attempts to give guidance and stimulation to improve reading skills for all ages and abilities in the community.
The library will be open at least 26.5 hours a week: Monday 12:30-7:30pm; Tuesday 9:00am to 12:00pm; Wednesday 12:30-8:00pm; Thursday 12:00 to 3:00pm; and Friday 11:30am-5:30.
The library will be closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Easter Friday OR Monday, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday following Thanksgiving; Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and other times appropriate or necessary and subject to the Osceola City Employee’s Manual.
The library will be closed on days school is closed on account of weather.
Updated/Reviewed 11/017, Updated /reviewed 4/2021, 2/2025
Parking Lot Policy
The cement parking area on the south side of the library is only to be used for library parking at all times as per the signage. The rest of the parking lot is a city lot that may be used as public parking while leaving a reasonable amount of space for library patrons to come and go from the cement parking area. If anyone who is not using the library parks in the library’s parking area it will be at the librarian’s discretion to call the sheriff and have the issue taken care of.
This policy has been reviewed and approved by the Osceola Public Library Board May 6, 2016, Reviewed and approved 1/2019, 2/2025
Gifts, Memorials, Donations
Gifts and memorials presented to the library should be given to the Polk County Foundation Osceola Library Fund and not diverted to the general fund of the governing body. When a memorial is given, the information will be entered into the “Memorial Book”. If a memorial or donation of $1000 or more is given, the name will be engraved on the “Book of Giving” plaque.
Gifts or donations of furnishings, books and videos/DVDs are accepted by the librarian with review by the board as to their suitability and acceptability.
The library retains unconditional ownership of any gifts.
Updated/Reviewed 1/2019, Reviewed 7/2024
Exhibits, Displays and Bulletin Boards
The purpose of the bulletin boards is to allow information to be shared within the community. Services and events of interest to the community will be posted on the bulletin boards.
Bulletin Board Guidelines
- Posting does not constitute endorsement by the library or the Board of Trustees.
- The library is not responsible for the materials posted.
- All notices must be clearly typed or neatly handwritten and easily read.
- Postings of any event or service will be limited to one.
- Notices will be removed after one month or when the event or its registration date has passed, whichever is shortest.
- The library reserves the right to remove materials judged to be unsuitable.
Displays and Exhibits
The primary purpose of public exhibit space is to promote educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the Osceola community by displaying works of art or collections. The Library Director or designee will have discretion for the approval of items to be displayed.
- Use of exhibit space for library purposes takes precedence over other use.
- Exhibits cannot be intended for retail trade. Pricing will be not allowed on displayed items, nor will the referral of potential sales be made by or through the library staff.
- The Osceola Library is not responsible for any items which may be stolen or damaged while on display.
- The library cannot provide storage prior to its installation or subsequent to its removal.
The library reserves the right to refuse any materials judged unsuitable or to rescind an exhibit for violation of this policy. The approval of a display does not imply endorsement of the viewpoints put forth in the exhibit.
reviewed and Approved by the Osceola Library Board 4/2019
The librarian shall be selected on the basis of interest in the library, practical competence in business administration, computer knowledge, general education and reading background and willingness to learn about library procedures and techniques. The librarian must either have completed basic skills classes from the Nebraska Library Commission or be willing to complete them.
The board will hire an assistant librarian who will help in cataloging books, act as a substitute librarian and will assist when groups visit the library requiring added assistance. The assistant librarian will be responsible for the children’s section of the library as well as story hours, summer reading program and activities.
Concerning staff development, the librarian will be responsible for obtaining enough continuing education hours to keep their certification current. The librarian shall be paid mileage at the current government rate to attend workshops and professional meetings. The librarian shall be paid their hourly rate to attend these workshops including travel time. Registration and class expenses will be paid for the librarian.
The person scheduled to work on the days the library is closed due to weather, will receive pay for that day.
The person(s) regularly scheduled to work on any day which a holiday falls, will receive holiday pay for their regular hours.
State dues shall be paid for the librarian.
Updated 2/2016, Reviewed and Updated 6/2019
The library is supported by the City of Osceola. Service is free to residents of Polk County contingent upon county funding.
Groups wishing to use the library may do so by contacting the librarian and pre-arranging such use.
Services to borrowers include inter-library loan, reciprocal borrowing, audio books, large print books, video tapes and DVDs, summer reading program, copy services, fax services, service to the nursing home, magazine and periodical guides, events of interest to the public and home delivery and pick up to shut-ins.
Reference books, magazines and periodicals may be checked out for one week. All other books, including audio books, may be checked out of the library for a period of two weeks. Videos and DVDs may be checked out for 2 days. A fine of ten cents a day will be charged to all for overdue books and audio books. A fine of $1.00 per calendar day will be charged for overdue videos and DVDs.
The librarian may collect the fines for each overdue book, video or DVD, and if a patron’s fines are over $5.00 NO new items can be checked out to that patron. When one patron from a family has a large fine, they may not use another family member’s card or a friend’s card to check out library items. The borrower shall pay for all damages beyond reasonable wear, and the librarian is authorized to collect such fines. Lost books and videos/DVDs must be replaced by the borrower or the cost of a new book or video/DVD must be paid by that patron before they are allowed to check out items at the library again. The library director, at their discretion, can restrict material access to all patrons from one family due to abuse of their library privilege or to unrelated individuals residing at the same address. This can include not letting any family member check out items until all fines, penalties, etc. are paid for by the family or the restriction of all library materials for patrons that have been repeat offenders ie. damaged materials, large unpaid fines, lost books. Parents will be responsible for paying their children’s fines.
Current library board members are not fined.
Updated 11/2018, Reviewed 7/2024
Facilities/Meeting Room Policy
The library board will determine if the library facilities and meeting room can be used by the public and the conditions of such use. The library may not be used unless a librarian or board member is present. Equipment may be used in the library but will not be loaned out.
Reviewed and approved 4/2019, 2/2025
Library patron’s names and addresses are used for our library purposes only.
Any records that reveal the identity of any library patron using the library’s materials or services will be kept confidential except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state or local law relating to criminal, civil, and administrative discovery procedures. (State Statute 84-712.05.)
Upon the receipt of such process, order, or subpoena, the city attorney will be consulted to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is in proper form and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance.
We do not share our patron database with any other company or entity.
Reviewed and approved 4/2019, Reviewed 7/2024
Backpack Policy
- All backpacks must be checked in at desk.
- All items needed must be removed before checking backpack in.
- Only the owner may remove items or pick up pack at desk.
This policy has been reviewed and approved by the Osceola Public Library Board 4/2018, Reviewed 7/2024
Emergency and Safety Policy
In case of inclement weather, such as tornadoes, the staff will alert the public and direct them to the smallest room without windows.
In case of fire the staff will call 911and direct the public to the nearest exit. There is an exit on the west side of the building and on the east side of the building. Employees will review this information every 6 months and make note of it in their reports.
All staff know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher. The fire extinguishers need to be checked yearly and recharged or replaced as needed.
If there is a power outage the staff will unplug all computers to prevent damage from any power surges.
In case of any medical emergencies the staff will offer what assistance they can and call 911.
If any person should engage in disruptive behavior they will receive 1 warning. If they continue to be disruptive they will be asked to leave the premises. The incident will be documented and will be brought before the board. If any further incidents happen the library director will discuss with the board any disciplinary action that needs to be taken.
The parent/guardian will be notified at the time of the incident.
If there is an emergency situation where a person is causing any imminent danger to himself, other people or library property, the staff will immediately call the sheriff or 911. The phone number for the sheriff is located at the circulation desk.
Updated 3/2016, Reviewed and Updated 6/2019
Unattended Children Policy
The Osceola Public Library is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment for patrons of all ages. Sharing the library with other people requires that everyone follow the Osceola Public Library Code of Conduct established by the Osceola Public Library Board and posted in the library.
The purpose of this policy is to encourage parents and legal guardians to exercise reasonable care, supervision, and control over their minor children in order to prevent juvenile victimization and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of children.
The safety of children left alone in a library building is a serious concern of the library staff. The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children in the library rests with the parent/caregiver and not with the library personnel. Library employees cannot assume liability for children who are unattended or demonstrating inappropriate behavior. The following guidelines will be followed concerning the care and behavior of young library users.
- Children aged nine and under must be attended and adequately supervised by a parent or caregiver who is at least 12 years old. An exception would be children attending a library program. However, the parent/caregiver is expected to be aware of when the program ends and then provide adequate supervision.
- Parents or guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children.
- Children who have special needs because of disabling conditions such as impaired physical or mental ability, disruptive behavior, emotional problems, inadequate attention span, incomplete social skills, etc., shall be attended by a responsible person at all times.
- Parents should encourage their children to respect library property and the rights of others who use the library. Although a library is a fun place for children, playground behavior is not appropriate in the library building. The library reserves the right to limit the use of the library by children and parents who, in the judgment of the library staff, are infringing upon the rights of other library users by inappropriate behavior.
- If the library is closing and the staff is unable to locate a parent, no staff member is obligated to stay with the child. Under no circumstances may a library staff member transport a child in their car. The police may be called in emergency situations.
This policy has been reviewed and approved by the Osceola Public Library Board May 2, 2013, Updated 5/2019
Osceola Public Library Code of Conduct
- Do Respect the Rights of Other Patrons and Staff Members Please speak in a low voice while in the library and also use headphones when using any audio equipment, including the library’s computers. Other patrons should not be able to hear these devices.
- Do Behave Well At All Times Running, rowdiness, using offensive, obscene or abusive language or gestures, and any other disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. The library is not a place for singing or talking loudly to others or in monologues, loitering, congregating or behaving in a manner which can be reasonably expected to disturb others.
- Do Leave Outside Bicycles, skateboards and roller blades must be left outside the building. There is a bicycle rack available to use outside.
- Do Refrain From Soliciting Petitioning, selling, or distributing material is not permitted.
- Do Take Care of Your Personal Property You should protect your belongings at all times. The library cannot be responsible for personal property. Items found are kept in the lost and found basket by the circulation desk.
- Do Protect the Library’s Beauty and Utility Please keep feet off the furniture. Theft, vandalism and mutilation of library property are criminal offenses and may be prosecuted. The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, briefcases, backpacks, and other such items when the staff has reason to believe this rule has been violated.
- Do Respect the Privacy of Staff Work Areas For admittance to work areas, inquire at the circulation desk. Staff areas are restricted to official personnel.
- Do Respect Others When Using Cell Phones The Library recognizes that some customers may need to use their cell phones while in the library. We ask, however, that customers with cell phones set the ringers on their phones to “vibrate” or “low” and that they use them in a manner that does not disturb others.
- Do Report Any Violation of These Rules Promptly to a Staff Member Staff needs to be alerted to all problems in order to maintain a pleasant and safe environment for all. The violation of federal or state laws or local ordinances will not be permitted on library property.
Failure to comply with the Osceola Public Library Code of Conduct will result in the disciplinary action listed in the Osceola Public Library Emergency and Safety Policy stating:
If any person should engage in disruptive behavior they will receive 1 warning. If they continue to be disruptive they will be asked to leave the premises. The incident will be documented and will be brought before the board. If any further incidents happen the library director will discuss with the board any disciplinary action that needs to be taken. The parent/guardian will be notified at the time of the incident.
This policy has been reviewed and approved by the Osceola Public Library Board. August, 2011. Updated 12/2014 reviewed 3/2018
Collection Development
The librarian shall select all books and other library materials. Books selected should reflect the present and potential varied backgrounds, lifestyles, interests, religions, ethnic groups and educational levels of the community. They should present conflicting opinions and opposite points of view on matters of public interest in accordance with an unbiased and objective criterion.
Censorship of books is an individual matter and should not impose restrictions on others. The library does not promote particular beliefs or ideas. It provides resources where individuals can examine various issues and make their own decisions.
The librarian will consider recommendations of the board members and patrons when selecting books and DVDs.
No personal items shall be purchased through the library credit.
Reviewed and Updated 5/2019
Library Resource Challenges
The Library Director, supported by the Library Board, is responsible to be a guardian of people’s freedom to access materials and to contest encroachments upon that freedom by individuals or groups wanting to impose their own standards upon the entire community.
When a patron wishes to make a formal reconsideration request, the following steps must be taken:
- Patron must ask for the Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources form.
- Patron must return the completed form to library staff, who will submit it to the Library Director.
- The Director will notify the Library Board of the request and inform them of any selection criteria used in selecting the item.
- At the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, the request will be reviewed and a decision made regarding the request.
- The Library Director will notify the patron of the Board’s decision after the meeting.
This policy has been reviewed and approved by the Osceola Public Library Board 6/2013
Reviewed 7/2016, 7/2019, 7/2024
Weeding and Collection Maintenance
Materials need to be kept in a serviceable condition by mending or replacing as needed.
Subject areas need to be regularly checked for outdated materials and for gaps in coverage, adding or updating with newer editions as needed.
Weeding the collection needs to be done on a regular basis by withdrawing outdated, worn and duplicate materials, as well as less essential materials to relieve overcrowding.
The CREW Manual is used to assist in the weeding process.
Updated 9/2016, Reviewed 7/2019
Search Warrant Procedures
The USA Patriot Act allows for search warrants to be issued to libraries for a patron’s records. The search warrant prohibits divulging to anyone that a patron’s library records are the subject of a search.
The USA Patriot Act requires a search warrant, not a subpoena. A search warrant can be executed immediately, since a judge has already established the existence of “just cause” prior to issuing it. The agent or officer serving a search warrant can begin the search as soon as the warrant is served. A subpoena allows a party a period of time to respond and/or contest the court’s order.
If approached by someone claiming to have the legal authority to request patron records, first ask for identification and whether the order being served is under the authority of the USA Patriot Act (USAPA). If it is an FBI agent and the authority of the order comes from the USAPA, follow the steps in A below. If it is not an FBI agent, OR if the warrant is not related to the USAPA, follow the steps in B, below.
A Steps to follow after being served a search warrant under the authority of the USA Patriot Act:
- Give the warrant to the Library Director or ask the officer to give the warrant to the Library Director. Contact should only be made with the Library Director as provisions of the act prohibit disclosing information about warrants issued under the USAPA to anyone other than the person authorized to release the records and to the library’s attorney.
- If the law enforcement agent insists that the information be released and the Library Director is not available, tell the person that the library wants to cooperate, but only the Library Director is authorized to release the confidential records or information. You may call the Director at home.
- The Library Director will ask for a copy of the search warrant if the agent serving it does not provide one.
4.The Library Director will then access the information requested. Provide only the information requested.
- The USAPA prohibits libraries from disclosing information about a search warrant issued under the authority of the Act. To ensure the library does not violate this gag order, take the following steps after the agent leaves.
- Put the warrant in an envelope, along with a note (on a separate piece of paper) about who served the warrant and the date of the warrant, seal it, and give to the Library Director.
- The warrant will be kept in the sealed envelope in the Director’s office file.
- Information about who served the warrant, the date it was served and other non-identifying information will be sent to the City Attorney.
- Under no circumstances can you inform anyone else of the existence of the search warrant. Do not discuss with anyone the FBI visit, the warrant or the name of whom the search warrant was served.
B Law enforcement request for confidential information NOT under the authority of the USA Patriot Act.
- Determine if the officer has a written court order.
- If there is no court order:
- Explain that a court order is necessary since library policy prohibits the release of any information that discloses or could be used to disclose the identity of a library user or how he/she has used the library.
- Explain that the court order must be sent to the Library Director since only he/she has the authority to release records. Once the order is received, it will be faxed to the City Attorney to ensure that it is complete as required by law. Once attorney approval is secured, the record(s) requested will immediately be released.
- If the officer has any questions, refer him to the Library Director. If the Library Director is not available, call the Director at home.
- Make a note of what happened: include date and time, name of officer making request and who the matter was referred to.
- If there is a court order:
- Explain that the court order must be sent to the Library Director since only he/she has the authority to release records. Once the order is received, it will be faxed to the City Attorney to ensure that it is complete as required by law. Once attorney approval is secured, the record(s) requested will immediately be released.
- If the officer has any questions, refer him to the Library Director. If the Library Director is not available, call the Director at home.
- Make a report of what happened: include date and time, name of officer making request and who the matter was referred to. This report will become part of the Library’s public record.
This policy has been reviewed and approved by the Osceola Public Library Board 7/2013
Updated 9/2016, Updated 8/2019, Reviewed 7/2024
Freedom of Expression on Library Grounds
The Osceola Public Library respects, values, and supports the constitutional right of free speech. Members of the public are welcome to use exterior areas around the Library building for free speech activity, subject to the time, place, and manner of use restrictions described in these guidelines.
These regulations are designed to enable those wishing to exercise their freedom of speech (“Free Speech Activities”) with persons visiting the Library, while protecting the public’s right to the use and enjoyment of the Library, the Library staff’s ability to conduct necessary business activities without interference, and the safety of all parties involved.
- Free Speech Activities include, but are not limited to: holding or carrying signs, protesting, using expressive conduct or speech, distributing literature, acting as a public speaker, panhandling, and requesting signatures/donations/contributions. Persons engaging in any Free Speech Activities are referred to in these regulations as “Speakers.”
- Use of Library grounds for Free Speech Activities does not constitute endorsement of points of view expressed by any person or group by the City of Osceola or the Osceola Public Library.
- The interior of the Library is dedicated to the quiet study and enjoyment of patrons, free from disturbance by others, and Free Speech Activities will not be conducted in this area.
- For the safety and protection of Speakers, Library staff, and Library patrons, Speakers are permitted to engage in Free Speech Activities on the exterior of the Library so long as those activities are not conducted: (i) within ten (10) feet of any door of the Library; (ii) in the Library parking lot; or (iii) in a manner in violation of federal, state, or local law. At no time is a Speaker permitted to block or otherwise prevent ingress and egress from the Library.
- Speakers will control the level of any noise resulting from their activities so that it does not disturb Library patrons or Library staff on the interior of the Library. Speakers’ noise volume that interferes with the use of the Library for its intended purpose by patrons or staff is prohibited.
- Speakers must provide their own supplies, equipment, and Personal Furniture; the Library will not provide or store any such property for a Speaker.
- Posters, pamphlets, or other printed information of any kind must be hand-held or hand-distributed unless attached to Speakers’ Personal Furniture. No such materials may be placed on or attached to the buildings, walls, columns, lights, or other structural/ornamental features of the Library. No damage, defacement or destroying Library property or other property will be tolerated.
- No unattended signs, posters, notes, pamphlets, Personal Furniture, or belongings of a Speaker are permitted and, if found, will be removed and discarded.
- Aggressive or harassing behavior by Speakers in violation of the law is strictly prohibited. i.e.: Communicating in a manner that is obscene, defamatory, incites violence or unlawful action, or consists of words or threats of physical harm, or is otherwise not entitled to protection as expression.
If a Speaker is in violation of the Guidelines, Library staff, at their sole discretion, may take any of the following actions: (i) provide a warning to a Speaker that they are in violation of the Guidelines; (ii) ask a Speaker to leave the Library premises; and/or (iii) when a Speaker’s actions are in violation of the law or presents a potentially unsafe condition to Library staff or patrons, notify law enforcement.
Reviewed and approved by the Osceola Library Board 7/2024