Come in and check it out!
The Osceola Library Book Club will be meeting on April 14th at 5:00 pm to discuss the Nebraska classic O Pioneers! by Willa Cather.
The library is open for business! We would love to see you in person or hear from you on the phone for your reading needs. We are still offering “Book Take-out” if you are uncomfortable coming in the building. Just let us know what you need and we can set it outside for you. We are still getting new books so come in and check them out! Don’t forget we have plenty of DVDs, also. Take a break from the news and find a good movie or series to watch!
Use this app to find items in our library! You do not need to log in to a personal account to search.
We will be closed on Monday, November 12th, for Veteran’s Day. Come see us on Tuesday the 13th 9:00-noon!
Come in and “check out” our new books! Most of these are available right now. The Fallen and Twisted Prey will be available tomorrow and The 17th Suspect will be available on the 30th.
Join Mrs. Rebekah Maynard at the Osceola Public Library for story hour on January 17th, right after school, about 3:45 pm. She will be reading a story and will have a craft and snack after the story.
Join April for children’s story hour on Friday, November 10th after school. We will be reading Mother Bruce.
There is a 1:30 pm early out that day, so come to the library right after school for a fun story hour! Pre-K through 2nd-grade kids are welcome to the story time.