Plainview Public Library

209 N Pine St., Plainview, NE


Written By: Donna Christiansen

Public relations goals of the Plainview Library are:
• To promote a good understanding of the Library’s objectives and services among governing officials, civic leaders, and the general public;
• To promote active participation in the varied services offered by the library to people of all ages.

1. The library director and library staff are constantly aware that the Library exists solely to serve the needs of patrons and the community

A. The Board recognizes that public relations involve every person who has connection with the Library. The Board urges its own members and every staff member to realize that he or she represents the library in every public contact. Good service supports good public relations.

B. The members of the Library Board are primarily responsible for representing the library to the public and should regularly renew their efforts in this area.

C. The director will be expected to make presentations and to participate in community activities to promote library services. A reasonable amount of library time will be allowed for preparation and speaking. Materials to be used by press, radio, or television will be approved by the director.

D. The library director promotes good public relations to increase public awareness of library services through marketing, presentations, events and programming. The library director is an advocate for the library.

E. The board will establish a publications budget to cover costs related to printing, publication, supplies, and miscellaneous needs related to the public relations effort.

F. It is the policy of the Library to make periodic contacts with the various organizations in the community in order to acquaint them with library services available, to solicit their suggestions for improved services, and to ask their help in obtaining volunteers to assist in library programs.

Adopted by the Library Board on 4/6/15