Are your post still going to Facebook and Twitter?

JetpackQuite a while back I installed Jetpack which allowed interested sites to have their posts automatically post to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter via the Publicize function. In the past week I’ve had two libraries report that this no longer seems to be working for them. In both cases, the connection between Jetpack and has been lost.

So, if this is a feature that you previously set up, please make sure that it’s still working. You can do this by checking to see if your most recent post was sent to your social media site(s). If not, log into your dashboard and select Jetpack from the menu. If you see a large green area at the top of the page telling you to “Connect to Get Started” this means your connection has been lost and needs to be reestablished.

The Setting Up Jetpack and Publicize videos will walk you through the steps needed to get you up and running again. You will need your account login information to get this to work. (There is no need to sign up for another account.)

If you also were using the Statistics and/or Subscription services from Jetpack, you may need to set those up again too.

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