Category Archives: Uncategorized
Summer Reading Planning!
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Mature Mondays in May! We are so excited to offer this opportunity to our Community!
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June Re-Opening
Scribner Public Library Will Begin to Open for Public Access with RESTRICTIONS on
Wednesday, June 17, 2020.
• Hours Monday-Friday 11:00-4:00
• Staff and Patrons are required to wear masks.
• Hand Sanitizer to be used upon entrance to the library.
• Computer availability and usage will be limited. Research only, no games.
• Any children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
• Children’s toys/games have been removed from the library
• There will be a 30-minute time limit on each visit.
• No more than 10 patrons are allowed into the library at one time.
• Items returned to the Library should continue to be placed in the drop box.
• Books/Materials will continue to be quarantined for 72 hours after returned.
• It is recommended that one person per household visit.
• Please do not enter if you or someone in your household has been sick.
The Scribner Public Library Board and Director reserves the right to modify these restrictions at any time. You are using Scribner Public Library at Your Own Risk.
Remember, we are taking these precautions to protect our Patrons and our Staff! Please be Understanding.
Patrons can still call 402—664-3540, email scribnerlibrary@yahoo.com, Facebook message or text Angie if you would like to use curbside pick-up or delivery
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Covid-19 Library Closure
The decision to close is never an easy decision. People of all ages use the Library for many different reasons. Some use it exclusively for books, many stop in to use our computers, some just stop by to use our WiFi on their own devices. At this time, the Scribner Public Library will follow the school schedule for closing, effective immediately. I will be reachable by phone and available for book deliveries, Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Our catalog is accessible online!
If after hours please feel free to message me on Facebook. Remember the Library does have Overdrive available to download books! It is a simple process to sign up and I would absolutely love to help you!
Our WiFi will still be available, most know the password but if not, Please call the Library at 402-664-3540
We are doing our very best to consider the health and safety of everyone in our community.
Stay Safe Everyone, Angie
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We are please to announce, we are one of the recipients of a Grant from Kreutz Bennett Donor-Advised Fund, an affiliated fund of Nebraska Community Foundation (NCF) Check back for updates on events! As we hope to make an impact on our Scribner Youth with this opportunity!
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First Day of School
Today was our first school day at the New Library. We opened half an hour early to accommodate the 1:30 early dismissal. We had a huge crowd of children. With all of the new space and computers, craft/work room, everyone easily found something to do. I am not sure who was more excited? The children or the Librarians? Our Legos, puzzles and games were in constant use. Goodness, we are tired, and we get to do it all again tomorrow!
We are so incredibly blessed to have our New Library. It is an oasis in our small town that offers the same opportunities to everyone. Our children have a safe place to be after school, with Librarians excited to greet them and hear about their first day. Our local businesses and many patrons have donated games and crafts, so that our children have the opportunity to create, to play, to visit with friends and to make new ones. What an amazing day!
Thank you Scribner!
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New Release Shelves
10/25/2016 Young Adult, Juvenile, Adult, and Large Print new releases!!! 🙂
(Imagine the space in the Adult Fiction section is filled with Triple Crown by Felix Frances!)
-The ScribLibScribe
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Updated Hours!
Hello all! I’ve realized that our open hours on this blog aren’t updated but now I can’t seem to find the little thing that had our hours on it 🙁 So I decided I’d make a post about them, and it’ll show up first thing on our page! 🙂
Have a great day, everyone!
Mondays 10 am – 7 pm
Tuesdays 1 pm-5 pm
Wednesdays 2 pm-6 pm
Thursdays 1 pm-7 pm
Fridays 10 am-5 pm
Saturdays 10 am-1 pm
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The ScribLibScribe
Hello everyone, it’s Liz the Librarian at your local Scribner Public Library here. Angie decided that it was time to revamp the old blog and start using it more, and I have been put in charge of it. From here on out, I’ll be known as the ScribLibScribe when I post! Yay!
The sad part is that I don’t quite know what I’m doing; I haven’t edited a webpage since the first days of MySpace (ugh, I know). Don’t worry – I’m going to keep at it until I’ve got it all figured out!
Meanwhile, I’ll continue to post our news and try to figure out the calendar and events pages.
At the moment, the latest news is that we’ve got lots of new books for you all to read! Come on in and check ’em out! We will also be receiving all of the Golden Sowers shortly.
We’re currently discussing events for Halloween :3 stay tuned..
Also, the Tannenbaum Festival will be on November 19th, so keep your calendars open!
I think that’s it for now; everybody have a great weekend! 🙂
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