June 2, 2016 Library Board Minutes

The Sutton Memorial Library Board met a 5:00 P.M. on June 2, 2016 in the library.  President Joyce Brown called the meeting to order and referred to the Open Meeting’s Act.  Present were:  Librarian Shelly Reed and Board memnbers Joy Brown, Carol Hendricksen, Harriet Maser and Gertie Schmer.  Absent was Pam Overturf.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Bills for the month of May were presented and approved.

A $500 donation was received in memory of Marie Schroetlin.  Pam will send a than you to the family.

Shelly presented the circulation report for the month of May.  Statistics were as follows:  AF-413 (301 = 112 O.D.), ANF – 44. E – 243, JF – 116, JNF – 35, COM – 209, Periodicals – 24, AuB – 1, DVD’s – 170.  Total Circulation + 1, 255.  Visitors + 754.

Shelly brought us up to date on plans for the Summer Reading Program which will run from Jun 13-16/  Sign-up sheets for volunteer help were passed around and Shelly will contact members of Friends of the Library to provide treats during the week.  Regina Leininger will do a puppet show on the afternoon of Thursday, June 16.

Shelly reported that the new hours are working out well.

Veronica Ellis is in training for the new librarian position and is currently in a 2 month waiting period.

Strategic Plan:  3 goals were presented:

  1. After school programs on early out days
  2. Monthly information flyers to inform the community of upcoming events, etc. at the library  3.  Quarterly special events/programs provided for the public such a smovies, speakers, authors, travelogues, etc.         Implementation of each goal was presented and discussed.  The next meeting will be July 7 @ 5 P.M.  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5: 50 P.M.          Gertie Schner

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