March 3, 2016 Library Board Minutes

The Sutton Memorial Library Board met at 5:00 P.M. on March 3, 2016 in the Library.  President Joyce Brown called the meeting to order and referred to the Open Meeting’s Act.  Present were:  Librarian, Shelly Reed, and Board Members, Joyce Brown, Pam Overturf, Gertie Schmer, Carol Hendrickson, Harriet Maser.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  The bills for the month of February were presented and approved.

Shelly presented the circulation report for the month of February statistics as follows:  A.F.- 394 (O.D. 156(, A.N.F. – 27, Children – 110, J.F. -78, J.N.F. – 10, Computers – 180/ Periodicals – 12, Audios – 0, DVDs – 195.  Total Circulation = 1165, Total Visitors = 505.

Old Business:  Shelly reported that there was no response for the Story Hour for pre-school children in February.  Discussed trying to do it again at a later time.

New Business:  Discussed showing another movie, and trying one for school age children , scheduling the time late afternoon for an after school event.

Shelly reported that repair work was need on computers, due to some damage by the children using the computers, and they will be banned from using the computers.

Shelly Reed and Carole Grady both gave verbal “Notice to Quit”, however they will remain working, until someone has been hired and trained.

We continued working on Strategic Plan/as Steps:  A meeting withe the Friends of the Library was held on Thursday, February 11 @5 P.M. for a Round Table Discussion with 6 Friends of Library, 5 Board Members, Shelly and Jeff Hofaker present.  the Library Board will have a Dinner Work Session after the next board meeting to finalize the Strategic Plan.

Our next meeting will be April 7th @ 5 P.M.

Without further business, President Joyce Brown closed the meeting at 6 P.M.



Pam Overturf

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