Chilly Story Time

It has been a cold and snowy start to January. That is normal, even if we don’t like it! We are using Story Time this week to celebrate the weather. Check out our stories and then the fun craft below.

We have foam craft kits that make cute mitten ornaments. They could be for your Christmas tree next year or a little gift for a grandparent. Come to the library and get one!

Celestial Story Time

This week we are celebrating both Christmas and a couple other neat things! Today is the winter solstice, which is the first day of winter. Ancient people like the Vikings celebrated this as the beginning of Yule, and its traditions are still followed in countries like Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland.

Tonight is also the great conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter. This phenomenon is also called “The Christmas Star.” Saturn and Jupiter will move close together and appear in the night sky as a very bright star. This is the first time this has happened in 400 years! You can see the Christmas Star in the southwest sky tonight. Look toward the edge of the horizon at sunset.

For our craft, we are again offering our foam ornament kits! Come in to the library to grab one when you get some books.

Christmas Critters Virtual Story Time

Miss Megan and Miss Theresa are back with more Christmas stories! This week, we are reading about “Christmas Critters.” Animals can celebrate Christmas too! Check out the stories below and then see what our fun craft is this week.

This week, we are offering an assortment of foam craft kits for the kids to take home. These are always a huge hit at the library and we are happy to offer a wide variety to choose from! Some are picture frames and some are just cute ornaments. All you have to do is come in and ask for one.

Snowy Virtual Story Time

With a chance of snow in the forecast for today, we thought it would be a perfect time to do a snow-themed story time! Did you know Miss Megan loves snow? She is delighted to share two snow stories, along with instructions on how to make paper snowflakes.

We are decorating our bulletin board with paper snowflakes through the end of January, so please stop in and make one (or more) for us to display. To make paper snowflakes at home, all you need to get started is a square piece of paper and a pair of scissors.

Martha Stewart has a great tutorial for paper snowflakes, and we have printed instructions available at the library too!

Miss Megan’s Paper Snowflake Tips

The smaller the square, the more intricate the snowflake. The smaller snowflakes can be difficult to cut. I would suggest paper no smaller than 8×8 inches for small children.

You may be tempted to use nice, thick paper like cardstock or scrapbook paper but I prefer plain printer paper. Construction paper is great too. The thinner the paper, the easier it will be to cut once it is folded. Fancy paper is fun but not necessary!

You do not need to mark your folded paper with cutting patterns if you don’t want to. Some of the coolest snowflakes I’ve made are ones that I cut freehanded!

More Paper Snowflake Patterns

Reindeer Games Virtual Story Time

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and we are celebrating with a month of Christmas books! This week our theme is Santa’s reindeer. Can you name them all?

Check out our stories below and then see what our craft is for this week. It is a tasty treat we have made at the library before!

Reindeer Graham Cracker Snacks

Use the above picture as a guide to make your cute, tasty little reindeer. You will need graham crackers, pretzels, M&Ms, and your choice of frosting. We have used peanut butter in the past, but you can also use frosting, Nutella, or some other kind of spread. Some versions call for raisins or chocolate chips for the eyes. We use M&Ms for convenience. Enjoy!

Thanksgiving Virtual Story Time

Tomorrow is a special day! This week, we are again celebrating Thanksgiving with some themed stories for Virtual Story Time. Check out Miss Theresa’s two stories and then the craft below. Miss Theresa liked both stories so much that she couldn’t decide which one to read, so she recorded both!

We are pretty sure everyone has made a hand turkey before. This week, we are bringing back this classic Thanksgiving craft for our story time. It’s so easy that even babies can do it (with some help) and so fun!

The sky’s the limit with decorating the hand turkey. Crayons, markers, and paint are all great mediums to color in the turkey after the hand is traced. Be sure you write down the child’s name, age, and the year so later you can look back and see how little their hand was when they made the craft.

If you need a refresher, we have a link you can visit here! We hope you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving this year.

Turkey Day Virtual Story Time

This week and next, we are celebrating Thanksgiving with Virtual Story Time! Below you’ll find two turkey-themed stories and a craft. Enjoy!

This is a great time of the year to talk about the meaning behind Thanksgiving and introduce young kids to the concept of “being thankful” or “giving thanks.” You can use this coloring sheet to help them visualize three things they are thankful for!

Right Click > Select “Open Image in New Tab” to print the picture at full size.

Santa Visit at the Library

St. Nick will be visiting us on Saturday, December 5th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. This year has been anything but typical, so it won’t be the usual visit with pictures on Santa’s lap.

Instead, we are having a drive-thru Santa visit! The Tekamah Public Library Foundation, library board, and library staff are teaming up to hand out free books and goodie bags. Santa will be there to greet cars.

Drivers are instructed to come through the alley between the library and Ronnie’s from west to east, instead of the usual east to west direction. This change is so traffic won’t get snarled on Main Street. Please follow the posted signs.

Drivers are also invited to decorate their cars, but this is not mandatory.

We hope everyone will come see us!

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