Another Autumnal Story Time

This week, we are celebrating fall again! The trees are finally changing and we will be experiencing cooler weather next week. Check out our stories below!

For our craft this week, we are again asking patrons of all ages to color an owl for our bulletin board. We are asking the owls be colored at the library instead of being taken home. So far, we only have one owl and he is lonely! Let’s give him some friends.

Autumn Story Time

Monday, September 21st was the first day of fall. We’re likely to have more summer weather for a few more weeks, but the evidence of changing seasons is around us. Farmers are already harvesting and many trees are turning colors. We are celebrating the start of autumn this week with story time! Check out the stories below, accompanied by a fun craft.

Autumn Tree Q-Tip Painting

We made these at the library a few years ago and they were a big hit. All you need is a few supplies — a piece of paper, a few colors of paint, q-tips, and something to draw your bare tree with. Enjoy!