The Three Rivers Library Board will conduct its first Annual Meeting on June 5th at 1:00 pm in the Columbus Public Library. The board decided to hold a business meeting without a continuing education component for this initial meeting. Throughout the coming year, system staff…
Now that National Library Week is over you’ll want to build on the momentum and enthusiasm the week’s activities created. One way to stay on everyone’s radar is calculating the value of the library. Perhaps calculate the value of the library during National Library Week…
Three Rivers Library System, TRaiLS, Apr/May 2015 The first page of the newsletter features important information about the system office location and a system community survey now under way. The link to complete the survey is We are hoping to have many responses by…
I am working on putting together the newsletter for April/May and would love to have people send me photos of programs/staff/new collections/whatever you are excited about in your library and/or stories about what your library is up to. Email your contributions to with Newsletter…
The Three Rivers Library System Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Anneka Ramirez to the position of TRLS system director. Anneka is currently a service center specialist at Northeast Community College in Norfolk. Prior to that, she was director of the…
Here is the February issue of the Three Rivers Library System newsletter. Reminders: Registrations for the TRLS Summer Reading Program workshop are due. Contact by 2/13 to register. The Annual Statistical Report for Public Libraries is due 2/13. E-rate form 470 is due…
Curb and Counter Appeal: A Visual Audit of Your Library Presenter: Pat Wagner Friday, February 6, 2015 10:00 – 2:30 North Bend Public Library Description: You are proud of your collection, your programs, your staff, and your services. But the details of how your library…
Gail Formanack will become the part-time interim director of Three Rivers Library System on January 1st. She will work out of the Omaha office until a new director is hired while coordinating the transition activities of TRLS and consulting with libraries as needed. Contact her…