History of Ainsworth

History of Ainsworth Library

In October of 1911, the Women’s Club established a library in Ainsworth. Their members served as librarians until May 1912 when the City of Ainsworth passes an ordinance establishing a city library and a tax levy to provide for its maintenance. During the summer of 1912, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis K. Alder built and donated a brick building to house the library. This building was named Alder Public Library. In 1952, the library building was remodeled and enlarged. It was during the 1970’s that growth and demand showed the need for a more adequate facility. A basic plan for the new library was formulated. The citizens of Ainsworth approved this plan by voting in favor of this bond issue in 1978. Construction for the new library started in September 1979 and the library opened in its current location on April 19, 1980. It was at this time the name changed to the Ainsworth Public Library. Once again the library is about to undergo changes. Construction on a 1,000 sq. foot addition will be begin in late July 2011 with the goal of a spring 2012 completion….just in time for the libraries 100th anneversary!

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