Library Policies and Mission



The mission of the Fullerton Public Library is to provide easily accessible information in many forms to its patrons.


The Fullerton Public Library Board will uphold its mission statement with the help of the following objectives:

1. To serve all patrons as a center of reliable information with a collection of books, technology, and related educational and recreational material that is assembled, preserved, and administered in an organized manner.
2. To provide a safe place where patrons are given the opportunity and encouragement to study, learn, read, research, and gather facts while continually educating themselves.
3. To support educational, civic, and cultural activities of groups and organizations.
4. To continually identify and monitor community needs, provide programs to meet those needs, and to cooperate with other organizations, agencies, and institutions that can provide the programs or services to meet those needs.
A. All minimum standards for libraries, as set by the Nebraska Library Commission shall be met.

B. Hours: The library shall be open thirty (30) hours per week:
Monday: 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Thursday: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 1:00 pm. To 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The library will be closed the following holidays: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
C. Circulation
1. Catalogued books and magazines are loaned for a two-week period and may be renewed upon request.
2. From time to time, some materials may be put on reserve and shall then be loaned for two weeks and are renewable.
3. Reference materials. Some reference books may be loaned on a reserve basis with special permission of the head librarian.
4. DVDs and VCR tapes shall be loaned for three days without charge.
5. Fines for overdue books, audio books, and magazines shall be five cents ($0.05) per day. Overdue DVDs and VCR tapes shall be $1.00 per day. Patrons cannot check out material or use computers until all overdue materials are returned and all fines are paid.
6. Audiovisual equipment and computers cannot be loaned.
7. User’s fees. Residents of the City of Fullerton may obtain a library card for personal use without charge. Those who reside outside the city limits of Fullerton, Nebraska, may obtain a library card for $25.00 per family per year. This fee will be waived for residents of Nance County in years in which the Nance County Board of Supervisors budgets money for the Fullerton Public Library.
8. Fines for overdue books, audio books, and magazines shall be five cents ($0.05) per
day. Overdue DVD’s and VCR tapes shall be $1.00 per day. Patrons cannot check out material or use computers until all overdue materials are returned and all fines are paid.
9. Overdue materials shall be those not returned to the desk or drop box before closing on the due date.
10. Lost or damaged material. Patrons shall be charged for the cost of replacement.

D. Services
1. It is the policy of the library to make use of the Interlibrary Loan Service offered by the Nebraska Library Commission, and to cooperate with all other libraries in any way advantageous to all. The patron requesting the material is responsible for the interlibrary loan fee.
2. It is the policy of this library to cooperate closely with the local school library through the sharing of materials and interlibrary loan services, through efforts not to duplicate materials unnecessarily, through occasional orientation-of-teachers meetings, and by encouraging teachers to bring their classes to the library for visits.
3. Children’s services. Story hours and a summer reading program are offered.
4. Outreach services. The library shall work with those in need of the talking book service or large print books, will demonstrate talking books, and will assist in servicing this program.
5. Copies made on the copier are ten cents ($0.10).
6. Copies from the computer black and white printer are ten cents ($0.10), and copies from the color printer are twenty-five cents ($0.25).

E. Computer and Internet Policy.
1. Access to Internet Resources:
a. The Fullerton Public Library allows users access to Internet information, ideas, and commentary from all around the world. Since the Internet is a global electronic network, there is no state/country control of its users or content. The Internet offers access to a wealth of material that may be personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages. It also enables access to some material that may be offensive and/or illegal.
b. The Fullerton Public Library cannot be held responsible for Internet content.
c. The Fullerton Public Library upholds and affirms the right and responsibility of parents to determine and monitor their children’s use of library materials and resources.
d. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information.
2. Staff Assistance
The library staff will be glad to assist patrons in accessing the Internet and will attempt to assist patrons with questions they may have.
CDs may be purchased from the librarian for $1.00.
3. Conditions and Terms of Use in the Library.
a. Computers are normally available, subject to periodic maintenance, during regular library operating hours.
b. Computers are normally available on a first-come, first-served basis. Daily use is limited to thirty minutes, after which the user will sign out and may sign in for one more thirty-minute session if no other person is waiting.
c. Patrons may NOT use their own software programs on library computers. This will help prevent spreading computer viruses.
d. Patrons may not download anything from the Internet without permission from the librarians.
e. Fullerton Public Library is not responsible for damage to a patron’s disk or computer, or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from patron use of the Library computers.
f. Any patron causing damage to library computers will be held financially responsible for repair or replacement.
g. Failure to use the computers or Internet access appropriately and responsibly may result in the loss of computer and/or Internet privileges. First warning—up to a year. Second offense—permanently.
h. Patrons cannot send or receive e-mail (electronic mail) using the library’s account.
i. Patrons are not allowed to use chat programs.

F. Public Relations and Publicity.
The following practices are to be followed when possible:
Information about library services and material should be published in the local newspaper at least once a month.
The members of the Library Board are primarily responsible for interpreting the library to the public and should regularly renew their efforts in this area.
The Library Board will keep up to date with board certification.

G. Unattended Children.
The Fullerton Public Library welcomes children of all ages to use its facilities and services. For their comfort and safety, children under the age of five may not be left unattended at the library. The library cannot assume responsibility for children left unattended. If a guardian, baby-sitter, or parent does not come to the library to escort the child home, the staff will call the parent and if unable to contact the parent, the staff reserves the right to call local authorities to have the child returned to his or her home.

H. Rules of Conduct.
It is a patron’s responsibility to maintain proper standards of behavior. Behavior becomes unacceptable when it interferes with the mission of the Fullerton Public Library. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to: bullying, rowdiness, quarreling, disorderly conduct, abusive language, vandalism, aimless/restless roaming, excessive chattiness, disturbing other patrons, and interfering with others’ use of the library.
Parents or other legal guardians are responsible for the behavior of their minor children in the library.
There will be NO cell phones used in the library.
Shirts and shoes must be worn in the library.
Patrons will not bring food or drink into the library.
Those willing to modify unacceptable behavior may be welcome to stay. However, those unable or unwilling to comply will be asked to leave and violations may result in loss of library privileges.

Discrimination against any staff member because of race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, or marital status is expressly prohibited, except where physical fitness, sex, or age is a bona fide occupational qualification.

Level I. Informal. If a person feels that he/she has a grievance, he/she may discuss the matter with the librarian in an effort to resolve the problem.
Level II. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the problem, he/she may submit his/her claim as a formal grievance, in writing, to the librarian. The librarian shall, within ten working days, render a decision and the reasons for same, in writing, to the aggrieved person.
Level III. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level II, he/she may file a written grievance with the Library Board of Trustees. Within two weeks, the Board shall meet with the aggrieved person and discuss the problem at the next regular board meeting or at an emergency meeting. Within ten working days after such meeting, the Board shall render a decision and the reasons for same, in writing, to the aggrieved person.
Level IV. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level III, he/she may file a written grievance with the Fullerton City administrator, mayor, and lastly the council.

A. Threatening Situations. If a person or persons present a danger to the life of safety of him/herself or to others or to library property, call 911. Incidents may include assault, other crimes of violence, or the threat to commit such crimes.
B. Medical Emergency. If a person becomes ill, remain calm and make sure the person is made comfortable. Call 911 and meet the rescue squad at the door to direct them to the person in need of medical attention. A person wishing to leave the library cannot be stopped by a library employee. No medication should be given.
C. Fire. Call 911 and clear the building in an orderly manner through the closest safe exit. Have all persons meet across the street at the southwest corner of Broadway and Carl to account for all who were in the building.
D. Inclement Weather. In case of tornadoes or severe weather, the librarian will direct patrons to the librarian’s workroom and stay there until the danger has passed. During snowstorms, the library will be closed at the discretion of the Board President and Library Director. (A general rule of thumb is that if school is closed for a snowstorm, the library will also be.)
The Fullerton Public Library and Library Board believe in the right of all patron’s intellectual freedom and the ability to pursue that freedom using the library’s many resources at hand.
This policy is in place to show how the library will respond to requests for information about library patrons.
The Fullerton Public Library strives to maintain confidentiality of and for all patrons. Confidentiality includes all of the library’s materials and services, including information sought or received, materials consulted, borrowed, received, or sent and includes the library program for records of materials checked out through interlibrary loan usage as well as all other usage of library materials, facilities or services, computer and internet usage.
Any or all library records will not be made available to anyone, be it person, state, federal, or local government agency without the proper order or subpoena. The librarian will inform the Library Board and will consult the City Attorney to determine if said order or subpoena is in proper form and there is good cause to release the records.
The Fullerton Public Library abides by the Patriot Act of 2001 which states that the Federal Bureau of Investigation may get court orders from the Foreign Intelligence Security Act Court for library records for investigations relevant to national security or terrorism without the necessity of showing probable cause. The act keeps anyone served with these search warrants from telling of their existence or the fact that records were produced as a result of the warrants. Patrons cannot be told their records were given to law enforcement agencies or that they were the subjects of FBI investigations.
It is up to each patron, as well as the librarians, to not share personal information such as library card numbers. Patrons should never let another person check out materials with their card number. All passwords must be kept private.

In order to serve the community well, the library board should represent a broad spectrum of community interests, occupations, and area.
A. Library Board shall consist of five members. Members are appointed by the City Council for a term or four years and must live within the city limits.
B. All board members have an obligation, with the assistance of the administrative librarian, to keep informed on local, regional, state, and Library Commission developments, or legislation concerning libraries at the local, regional, state, and national levels and to accept those responsibilities for which they have special interests and talents.
C. The board selects, appoints, and regularly evaluates the performance of the administrative librarian who serves as the chief administrator with full professional responsibility for administering library policy and management, development and administration of programs and services, and selection of materials.
D. Board member dues to library associations and their expenses for attendance to appropriate workshops shall be paid from library funds.
E. In order to raise funds for expanding library facilities, the Library Board has approved a Friends of the Library organization to sponsor fundraising activities and encourage gifts and bequests.
F. The administrative librarian and the board shall jointly study, plan, and develop library policies and review them at least annually. This shared responsibility should include the study of library developments elsewhere and an awareness of applicable legislation. These policies shall be written and shall be available for public inspection.
G. The Fullerton Library Board adheres to the Open Meeting Act.
The Library Board uses this policy to ensure proper use of funds to support the Library’s mission and goals, and to comply with appropriate laws and ordinances.
1. The Library Board, with the Director, shall draft an annual budget and submit it to the City of Fullerton for discussion and approval by the City Council.
2. The Library Director will review and approve invoices for payment out of Library funds, The City Clerk will prepare all invoices for payment, and checks will be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk.
3. On a monthly basis, staff shall present a list of all expenditures to the Board for review and approval. The City Clerk will present a monthly financial report showing the status of all accounts and funds.
4. On an annual basis, all Library funds, expenditures and revenues will be audited. Audit results will be annually reported to the State of Nebraska.
5. Receipts. Monies received as revenue by the Library from City and County payments for library service, overdue fines, reimbursements for lost or damaged materials, photocopies, printouts, and postage may be used to defray expenses in these areas as well as for appropriate programs, meetings, and memberships, as authorized by the Library Board.
6. Disposal of Property. Withdrawn library materials and materials donated but not added to the collection will be sold annually through the library. All other Library property to be withdrawn shall be given to the City to dispose of. Broken or obsolete items may be discarded.
7. Grants and Donations. Funds donated may be allocated according to the wishes of the donor as donations to the Nance County Foundation—designated to the Library. Gifts to the library may be designated for purchase of library materials or other specific projects. All donations to the Library shall be subject to the Gifts Policy.
A. The meeting room at the Fullerton Public Library may be used for cultural, educational, or community betterment purposes.
B. There will be no fee for public or non-profit groups. Groups for profit will be charged a fee of $25.00
C. Library-sponsored programs and literacy-related activities, as well as meetings of the Friends of the Library and the Nance County Foundation will have scheduling priority. The remaining time is open on a first-come, first-served basis.
D. The library meeting room is not available for meetings on holidays.
E. The meeting room will be open to public use. Due to availability, the librarian will be in the most appropriate position to arrange scheduling of meeting dates and times of groups or persons interested in setting up meetings in the meeting room. These groups or persons, after their meeting, are responsible for cleaning the meeting room.
F. Meetings will be scheduled for specific dates and times. Booking should allow time for both.
G. Only light refreshments and snacks may be served. If the room requires clean-up, there will be a $10.00 per hour charge.
H. Smoking and alcoholic beverages and cell phones are not permitted to be used in the library or the meeting room.
I. If an organization meets beyond the time when the library is open, they will be responsible for turning off lights, checking restrooms, and checking that the building is locked.
J. No organization may store equipment at the library for meeting room use.
K. Upon request, the library will furnish available audio-visual equipment for use in the meeting room. The group booking the meeting room is responsible for replacement of lost or damaged equipment. Meeting room furnishings and equipment may not be removed from the library.

A. No posters, displays, or brochures shall be exhibited or placed in the library without prior permission from the director.
B. The library assumes no responsibility for damage or theft of any displayed item. All items are placed in the library at the owner’s risk.
C. No solicitations or political posters.
A. Librarian’s Duties.
The librarian is the administrator of the library program jointly agreed upon by the Library Board and librarian.
The librarian should:
1. Attend all board meetings.
2. Point out and recommend needed policies for board action.
3. Carry out the policy of the library as adopted at board meetings.
4. Help the president prepare the meeting agenda.
5. Recommend employment of all personnel and supervise their work.
6. Select and order all books and other library materials.
7. Maintain an active public relations program.
8. Make and carry out plans for extending of library facilities to limits of areas served.
9. Cooperate actively with educational organizations of the state and community.
10. Make regular reports on the progress of the library.
11. Attend professional meetings and plan for staff to attend such meetings.
12. Provide in-service training experiences for staff members.
13. Make use of consultants from the Nebraska Public Library Commission for professional problems.
14. Check at the end of each month for any overdue materials and send a written notify patrons involved.
15. Send a monthly report to the City Council.
16. The librarian is responsible to the Library Board.

B. Assistant Librarian Duties.
The assistant librarian is hired by the library board and is responsible to the librarian.
1. The assistant librarian will work in the absence of the librarian.
2. The assistant will be familiar with the library collection in general, and will assist patrons with book selection and reference service.
3. The assistant will maintain various files and records, such as circulation statistics, under the supervision of the librarian.
4. The assistant will check materials in and out, collect fines, register new borrowers, and re-shelve materials.
5. The assistant will help with special and ongoing programming as necessary.

C. Qualifications for Librarians.
1. Must have a High school diploma or GED.
2. One librarian must be accredited or working toward accreditation.

D. Staff Evaluations.
1. There will be a six-month evaluation of a new librarian.
2. There will be a yearly evaluation thereafter.
3. The Library Board may discontinue the position of assistant librarian if it becomes unfeasible to have the position.

E. Compensation.
1. The librarian and any assistants shall be paid at a wage set by the city council and Social Security payments will be withheld.
2. Payday will be the same as all city employees. Bi-monthly if salaried. Monthly, on the first, if paid by the hour.

F. Staff Development.
1. The librarians are expected to keep up with professional library literature and reading.
2. Preparation necessary for visits from groups, for story hours and programs, and for public relations stories and talks is legitimate library business and may be done on library time, although regular library duties come first.
3. The librarians are expected to belong to the Nebraska Library Association and to attend its meetings and workshops offered by the Regional Library and the Systems whenever it is possible. The Library Board will pay the NLA dues for the librarians and contribute to expenses for meetings and workshops on a limited scale.

G. Resignation or Dismissal
Notice of resignation or dismissal shall be given in writing.
Two weeks notice of resignation is requested under ordinary circumstances.

A. Daily Procedure. A daily record is kept of all library material checked out, including interlibrary loan, number of books removed, new cards issued to patrons, and fines collected.
B. Computerized Catalog. The computerized catalog is maintained for patron use.
C. Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary loan material is requested for patrons from the Nebraska Library Commission and is requested either by phone or email. The request is sent either the day it is received or the day following. The patron is expected to pay fees.
D. Location of Material. Library material is located as follows:
a. Children’s section: southeast section.
b. Junior High section: southeast section.
c. Reference: northwest section
d. Periodicals: northeast section.
e. Fiction: west side in alphabetical order by author.
f. Nonfiction: North end of fiction in Dewey Decimal order.
g. New Books: by circulation desk.
h. Computers: by circulation desk.
i. Circulation Desk: inside front door.
j. DVDs: by circulation desk
k. Reading Area: Northeast section.
l. Copier and Fax: north of entrance door.
E. Cataloging and Classification. Books are cataloged under E (elementary), J (junior high), fiction, or nonfiction books. Nonfiction books and reference materials are classified under the Dewey Decimal System.
F. Processing. Accession numbers are written in all new books and the appropriate data are entered in the computer. Barcode is placed on cover of book, a plastic cover is added, and the book is stamped with the library name. Date sheets are placed in the book.

Selection and acquisition of material:
A. The director shall be responsible for the selection and purchase of items which best fit the needs of the community as defined by the library objectives and with the approval of the Library Board.
B. The library will maintain an up-to-date collection of selection tools, e.g. H. W. Wilson catalogs, Booklist, Library Journal,, and New York Times Book Review.
C. The following criteria will be used for evaluating materials during acquisition, as well as when weeding:
1. Reputation of author
2. Recommendations
3. Format, technical quality, and durability
4. Content
5. Ease of use
6. Uniqueness of approach
7. Style
8. Timeliness or lasting value
9. Scope
10. Unity
10. Totality of impression
11. Achievement of purpose
12. Accuracy
D. The following criteria will be used for selecting materials for acquisition:
1. Price
2. Physical limits or building space
3. Demand, potential use
4. Relationship to existing collection
5. Appropriate to library goals
6. Appropriate for clientele
E. The library will endeavor always to balance special group interests with general demand, to present fairly and truthfully opposing sides of every controversial subject handled. Political or social affiliations of a specific author will not be cause for rejection of his/her work, neither will serious works which present an honest aspect of life be excluded because of coarse language or frankness. While the library does select its materials to maintain a quality collection, it does not censor any book for reasons of religious or political thought expressed. Judgment is made after a thoughtful review of the whole book.
F. Generally excluded will be denominational or proselytizing works and textbooks.
G. The library adopts the Library Bill of Rights, and the Policy Statement of the American Library Association of Intellectual Freedom.
A. The library will gladly accept materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection according to the principles of selection.
1. Duplication of titles.
2. Poor physical condition.
3. Subject matter inappropriate for the present collection.
4. The library reserves the right to dispose of such materials as desired.
B. Monetary gifts are also accepted. It is recommended that they be made in care of the Friends of the Library.
Revised and adopted 3/10/2016