Summer is upon us and it’s a great time to enjoy a book while you sit in the shade sipping your lemonade! Hooper Public Library has a wide variety of books, magazines and movies for all ages. If you do not have a library card stop in and sign up today, there is no charge for this public service. Not only can you check out books at the library but having a library card also gives you access to Nebraska Overdrive, this allows you to check out books on your Kindle, Nook or other tablet free of charge. There are thousands of titles available through Nebraska Overdrive and you will enjoy how user friendly it is. Stop in and ask for more information!
Recently we added a new program at HPL. We will now be showing a family friendly G-rated movie at 10:00 a.m. every Sat. All ages are welcome at SATURDAY CINEMA but children 7 & under must be accompanied by an adult or caregiver.
A big thank you goes out to those families who have donated DVD’s to our collection lately. We are building our collection of DVDs and phasing out VHS tapes. If you have movies in DVD form that you would like to donate to the Hooper Public Library we would love to add them to our collection.
We will be closed on July 4th in honor of Independence Day so there will be no Coffee Corner for the month of July. Book clubs continue to meet over the summer so if you are interested in joining a book club, inquire at the library. We offer a Junior book club for 4th grade on up and an adult book club as well. Our summer reading program FIZZ, BOOM, READ is full with 50 children registered and there will be some special summer story times coming up as well. Watch our Facebook page and website for details on upcoming events at HPL.