In this month’s water bill Hooper residents will find a short survey for Hooper Public Library. Please fill this out and return it directly to the library, in our night drop box, or you can return it with your water bill payment. If you do not receive a water bill or live outside of town we encourage you to pick up a survey so that you can have input as well. These will be available at the library or at the city office. This survey is intended to help us improve or expand our services to you so your input is very valuable, whether you currently use the library or not.
Hooper Public Library will also be participating in the Midwest Treasure Hunt by having a Baked Goods & Used Books & Movies Sale. This will be held Fri. Sept. 12th and Sat. Sept. 13th 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m. both days. We are asking for donations of used books and/or movies and if you would like to volunteer to make baked goods for our sale we would welcome that also. Contact Cherie Anderson at the library (654-3833) to sign up to provide for the Bake Sale. All proceeds from our sales will go toward building improvements. If you would like to donate directly to this cause please see Cherie at the library.