Hooper Public Library’s summer reading program was held June 6-9 this year.  Our theme, BUILD A BETTER WORLD focused on some of the things we can do in our world to make it a better place. We had wonderful programs this year provided by Academy Science from Valley and The Nebraska Extension Office from Fremont.

Day 1 of our Summer Reading Program was so much fun! With help from Kathy & Michael of Academy Science, we all made rockets and got to launch them outside. 🚀

Day 2 of SRP had the children building “planters” like the kind you pull behind a tractor. They had fun engineering different designs and trying them out. Thank you to Emily & Karna from the Nebraska Extension Office for teaching the kids some fun facts about soil.

Day 3 at SRP was another fun one for our little “engineers”. Emily read a fun book titled “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs” by Jon Scieszka. She gave the children a lesson in building and they designed paper bridges & stick houses to see what design could withstand more weight or wind.

We had a small group but our last day of Summer Reading Program was full of fun! The children heard a great story titled THE FORT ON FOURTH STREET. It was about using simple machines to build a fort. Before the story children got to tell their favorite part of the week and “punch a prize”, they personalized reading journals that they got to take home, and each child designed their own Lego creation that we put in the window on display.😊 Each child also took home a treat bag along with a bookmark promoting our Nebraska Overdrive program.
It was a great week at HPL!

There will be more fun summer activities coming up. Please watch our Facebook page for more details. Happy Summer Reading to all!

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