Patron Code of Conduct
Purpose: To ensure the safety and positive experiences for all who work in and visit the Leigh Public Library, the following Patron Code of Conduct has been created. The library is designed for the use of all members of the public, Patrons are expected to observe the rights of other patrons and staff members and to use the library for its intended purpose.
Section 51-212 of the Nebraska Statutes specifically gives public libraries the power to regulate the use of the library and to exclude from the library persons who violate or refuse to comply with the library’s rules and regulations.
Expectations of persons using the library:
- Accompany and supervise younger children. Children who come into the library alone must be old enough to conduct themselves in a quiet manner that does not disturb other patrons.
- Monitor personal belongings. The library is not responsible for personal belongings left in or on library property.
- Treat people and property in a respectful manner. Eating or drinking in the main room at the tables is allowed. All drinks must have a lid. Please clean up trash and notify library staff of any spills.
- Talk in moderate tones using your inside voice.
- Talking on cell phone can be done in the entryway or outside.
- Come to the library fully clothed, this includes wearing a shirt and shoes.
- Leave pets outside. Service animals are welcome.
- Refrain from loitering or sleeping anywhere in the library.
- The library’s facilities are not to be used for bathing.
- Alcohol or drugs are not allowed in or on library property. Anyone entering the building under the influence will be asked to leave.
- Do not enter the library with items that the general population views as threating or that could damage library material.
- Selling or soliciting will not be permitted.
- At closing time, all patrons must leave the building promptly.
- Smoking/vaping is not allowed.
Any individual who behaves in an improper manner may be asked by the staff to leave the library premises without a warning. If the individual is a child, the parent or caregiver will also be asked to leave. In any case where a violation involves possible criminal behavior (destruction of property, assault, etc.) law enforcement will be notified immediately. If any person continues improper conduct after being readmitted to the library building after a previous violation, such person may be excluded from the library building for periods of one or more days, weeks, or months, up to permanently, as may be deemed appropriate by the Library Director, and involved staff, after a fair and reasonable consideration of the pertinent facts and circumstances.
Permanent exclusion from the library will happen only after a person has been allowed due process.
In keeping with this library’s mission statement, the purpose of the Leigh public library is to serve our community as a resource for information, entertainment, cultural opportunity, and educational development, thereby enhancing and enriching the lives of our users. The Leigh public library selects materials and develops collections in many different formats to provide Leigh and Colfax county residents with a wide range of informational, recreational and educational resources which are easily accessible and cost efficient. The library will acquire materials reflecting the full diversity of points of views on topics of interest to the public. The collection is developed to meet the needs and interest of the Leigh and Colfax county residents.
In selecting materials, the library adheres to the American Library Associations Library Bill of Rights (http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill) and the principles outlined in the Freedom to Read (http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/freedomreadstatement) and the Freedom To View (http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/freedomviewstatement) statements of the American Library Association.
Selection Responsibility:
The final responsibility for material selection lies with the library director. The responsibility for initial selection of materials is shared by all. Suggestions from the public are welcomed and given full consideration for acquisition.
General Selection Criteria:
When selecting materials the following factors will be considered:
- The need for added materials in subject areas.
- Suitability of the format and construction.
- The needs and request of materials for/by library patrons.
- Budgetary considerations.
- Physical limitations of the library building.
- Availability of specialized materials in other surrounding area libraries.
- Availability of material through inter library loan.
Specific Selection Criteria:
Material selections are made on the basis of any one, several, or all of the following specific criteria:
- A high standard of quality in content, expression and physical attributes.
- Significant reputation of the author, editor, publisher, producer or illustrator.
- Contemporary significance, potential usefulness, appeal or cultural value of the title.
- Contents that are timely, accurate and representative of various viewpoints.
- Award winning such as Golden Sower, Newberry Medal, Caldecott Medal, Pulitzer, Academy Award, Grammy or other significant honor appropriate for the form of the work.
Intended Audiences:
In general, material selected for the Juvenile area has a target age range of birth to age 12. Material selected for the young adult area is intended for ages 13 and up. However, many factors affect what material is appropriate for an individual child, including reading level, maturity and personal beliefs. The library cannot act in place of the parent in selecting what material is appropriate for a particular child. Responsibility for children’s use of library materials, regardless of format, rest with their parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s).
Gifts, Donations and Memorials:
The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and or needed. For complete information please see gifts and donation policy.
Request for Reconsideration:
Despite the care taken in selection, it is natural for differences of opinion regarding suitable material to arise. Individuals may discuss their personal objections with the librarian. If the discussion does not satisfy the individual, they may choose to complete a request for reconsideration forum. The forum along with the material in question will be reviewed by the library board and the librarian. Once a decision has been made a letter will be sent to the person, explaining the decision. The decision made by the library board will be considered final.
Submitted by the Leigh Public Library Director on November 29, 2001
Approved by the Leigh Public Library Board of Trustees on November 29, 2001
Reviewed and updated December 2018
The mission of the Leigh Public Library is to provide quality materials and services which fulfill educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community, regardless of age, sex, or race, in an atmosphere that is welcoming and respectful.
The purpose of this computer and internet use policy is to insure the best use of and access to these resources of the Leigh Public Library for all of our patrons. Providing computer and internet access enhances the library existing collection in size and depth, and provides the opportunity for any patron to utilize the resources on the internet.
Leigh Public Library considers use of any library supplied computers, kindle tablet or use of the wireless internet to imply understanding, acceptance, and adherence to Leigh Public Library computer/internet policy.
To offer some safeguards for children, the Leigh Public Library provides filtered access for individuals using library computers. A filter is third-party software that blocks access to certain websites. Parents and guardians should understand that filters limit, but cannot eliminate, a child’s exposure to potentially harmful or undesirable information. Therefore, it is a parent/guardian’s responsibility to monitor and control the internet usage of minor children. The Leigh Public Library will implement filters that endeavor to identify sites that would not comply with the provisions of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), but will not apply filters to generic word lists or lists of sites not relevant to CIPA. For further information about CIPA see https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/childrens-internet-protection-act.
Patrons need to be aware that not all sources on the internet provide information that is accurate, complete, current or legal. Patrons are responsible for using their own judgments in evaluating these materials. In the case of minors it is a joint responsibility of the user and the parent or guardian. Patrons should exercise caution when using the internet to avoid unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information. Parents must caution their minor children which personal facts are not to be shared on the internet. While the library endeavors to provide access to information of the highest quality, the library specifically disclaims any warrant as to the information’s accuracy, the library will have no liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages related to the use of information accessed through the library’s internet service. User’s agree to indemnify and hold harmless the library, its employees, and agents from any claim demand, liability, cause of action, suit, judgment, or expense, including attorney’s fees, arising out of any use of the library’s computer equipment, network, phone lines, or internet connection. The library wireless network is not secure. The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or computer or other wireless device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library wireless access.
Patrons must request computer use from staff and will be assigned a computer by staff. Library staff is authorized to limit usage dependent on daily specific demand. School research is always a top priority. If all computers/tablets are in use a sign-up sheet will be used and a 1 hour time limit will be put in place. Patrons who wish to use the computers should have basic knowledge of computer use. Staff can provide only a minimum amount of instruction. Children 7 years old and younger must be supervised by an adult or older sibling, preferably a parent or guardian, unless they exhibit basic computer knowledge.
Staff will devote a reasonable amount of time assisting individual library users with the use of computer/internet where needed. They cannot devote large amounts of time to each customer because staff must be available to handle many information requests from many individuals.
Patrons may print information from the computer for a charge of .10 cents per page for each black and white copy and .50 cents per page for each color copy. Patrons are responsible for all pages which they print.
The users’ access to the library’s computer network and internet is a privilege, not a right. A user violates this policy by his/her own action. Failure to comply with this policy and its procedures will result in the forfeiture of the user’s right to access these computers, potential loss of library privileges and possible prosecution. Patrons who have had their privileges suspended may appeal to the Library Board at a public meeting.
All patrons must comply with the following:
- All international, national, and state copyright laws by making only authorized copies of copyrighted material
- Refrain from altering, damaging, or installing hardware or software, or by “hacking” into the library’s or other entity’s (computer) network.
- Not misrepresent yourself by access code, password or signature.
- Respect the privacy of others
- Refrain from distributing unsolicited advertising
- Refrain from any activity that disrupts the normal operations of the network
- Refrain from any activity that is harassing or defamatory
- Refrain from any activity that causes a disturbance in the library
- Refrain from violating federal, state, local laws or library regulations
Adopted: November 4, 2OO8
Revised: September 23, 2020
Approved: September 23, 2020