Newman Grove Public Library Mission Statement

The mission of the Newman Grove Public Library is to provide access to materials for the interest and enlightenment of its Patrons. The Newman Grove Public Library adheres to the Nebraska Library Bill of Rights

The general library objectives shall be:

       1. To serve all residents of the community and the surrounding area.
       2. To acquire and make available to all patrons computers, books, periodicals and other services as will    
           address their needs to:
              a. Becoming well informed
              b. Locate answers to questions
              c. Cultivate the imagination and creative expression
              d. Develop skills for career and vocational advancement.
              e. Enjoy leisure by means of reading and other media services
      3.To support educational, civic, and cultural activities of groups and organizations
      4. To provide opportunity and encouragement for patrons in the pursuit of knowledge.
      5. To strive to discover new needs, methods, and improvements for better service for Library patrons.
      6. To provide opportunity for recreation through the use of library material.

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