Janurary 2018

Happy New Year!
Wow!  I can’t believe we are already saying good bye to 2017.  Time seems to go so quickly, especially here at the library.  The library has been given 6 new laptops for the kids, thanks to a generous donation.  The kids are loving having there own space to play games, watch movies and interact.  We all enjoyed some movies, games and time together over Christmas Break.  There are several new books in the library as well so please stop in and check us out!

Halloween Party!

The Palisade Public Library is showing a Halloween movie on Monday, October 30, 2017 @ 5:00 pm.  Everyone is welcome!  Where your costume if you like, I would love to see you all dressed up! 🙂

Fall is Here!

Fall is here, I can tell from all the leaves I have been raking and these cool evenings and mornings! 🙂
Lots of new things going on at your library too!  The library has been fortunate to have 6 laptops donated to the library.  We are in the process of getting the electrical updates we need to support them and will be putting a few of them in our kids room, so they can have some private time for games and homework.  We have added a door to our kids room too, this will help keep the noise down when they are reading, playing games or visiting with each other.
The library has a lot of new books so please check out our new additions on the above page or better yet, stop in and check one out.  Overdrive (the online books) is a great way to get books that we may not have, so if you don’t have a library card stop in or call (308-284-3525.  It will only take a couple of minutes to sign you up.  The library also offers Inter-Library Loans, in which any book you may want to read, if we don’t have, we can get, as long as it is at least 12 months since published.  We also have audio books that we switch out at least once a month, so if you travel it is a great way to entertain yourself and the kids.
We are going to have a Halloween Party for the kids showing a movie on October 30, 2017 @ 5:00 pm.  Tell your kids and mark your calendar.  I hope everyone has a beautiful and healthy Fall.

New Books, Thank You!

A Big Thank You out to the Pilcrow Foundation and the Community of Palisade!  The fund raiser we had in June at the Pioneer Days was able to raise enough money to meet the grant requirements.  The new Children’s Books are now on the shelf and ready to be checked out.  Stop in and take a look or look on our page to see what is new.

2017 Story Hour

What an amazing group of kids we had this Summer for Story Hour.  I am sorry we are missing a few of you in the picture.  Have a great summer everyone!