If you have important dates in your personal, professional, or civic past that were covered in a county paper, please consider making a $125 donation to cover the cost of converting the microfilm reel that includes your event (a reel usually includes at least one year of newspaper images) and having it posted online. This is a small price to pay to give everyone in the world access to Seward County coverage of:

- Birth announcements
- Wedding announcements
- Graduations
- Obituaries
- Sporting events
- Club events
- Contest results
- Election results
- Business anniversaries or other promotions
- Local happenings
- Other newsworthy event
Once the microfilm content is posted online, it becomes searchable to all (using OCR or optical character recognition) and it is free to access and use! You can visit seward.advantage-preservation.com now to see examples of reels already online.
The Seward Library Foundation believes this to be an important project and has committed to match up to $15,000 in new donations to make this happen! With your help, our newspapers can be digitized before Seward and Seward County finish celebrating their 150th anniversaries in 2017.
You can donate to this project to help preserve our county’s history. All donations will be recognized in the Genealogy Room of the Seward Memorial Library and on this website. Donations are tax deductible within extent of prevailing laws. Click here to view a list of all available Seward County microfilm reels. To make a donation please mail your check for $125 per reel along with a note indicating your preference for the publication and year that you would like to have digitized to:
Seward Library Foundation
P.O. Box 42
Seward, NE 68434
Thank you!