Get ready for a new way to enjoy eBooks and more from the library

See a preview video here:
Some of the key features include:

  • One-Step Checkout™: Once you’ve logged in with your library card number, it just takes one click to borrow a title.
  • OverDrive Read™: Browser-based technology enables instant access to eBooks, online or offline, with no software or downloading required. All you’ll need is a computer or device with a modern web browser. If the title is available to borrow, you can download the title–as you’ve always been able to–or you can choose to start reading right away in your web browser. If you choose browser-based reading, your progression will sync across devices. For example, if you leave off at page 47 on your computer, you’ll start at page 47 on your iPad®!
  • A new responsive design optimizes the website for mobile and desktop use. So regardless of what device you use, the experience will be the same.
  • Powerful discovery tools enable you to find your next book fast with filtered search, personalized title recommendations and more. It’s just like online shopping!

We look forward to providing our community with this fast and easy new experience. If you have any questions, be sure to contact us directly at The Shelby Community Library (402) 517-5181



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