Book Club’s Choice For The Month Of November

“One Book One Nebraska: Death Zones & Darling Spies” is Spalding Library’s  book club’s choice for the month of November.

In this book, Beverly Deepe Keever describes what it was like for a farm girl from Nebraska to find herself halfway around the world as a war correspondent in Vietnam, trying to make sense of one of the nation’s bloodiest and bitterest wars. She arrived in Saigon in 1961 as Vietnam’s war entered a new phase and American helicopter units and provincial advisers were unpacking.

Keever’s trove of tissue-thin memos to editors, along with published and unpublished dispatches for New York and London media, provide the reader with you-are-there descriptions of Buddhist demonstrations and turning-point coups as well as phony ones. Two Vietnamese interpreters, self-described as “darling spies,” helped her decode Vietnam’s shadow world and subterranean war.

Stop by the library and pick up your copy of this book!!

Death Zones & Darling Spies





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