Policy on Gifts

Unrestricted gifts of money, lands, or property will be gratefully accepted by the Board.  Restricted gifts or bequests will be reviewed by the Board before acceptance or rejection.

The Library accepts gifts of suitable books or other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the Library collection only when needed and disposed of at the discretion of the Director.  The same principles of selection applied to purchases are applied to gifts. Upon request, receipts showing the value of donated books may be given for books actually selected for inclusion in the library collection. Unless there is an independent appraisal of books donated, they will be valued at $.50 for paperbacks and $2 for hardback books.

Books and materials received as gifts that are not added to the Library’s collection, and books and items discarded from the Library collection, are offered during the Friends of the Library Bookfest.  The money thus generated from freewill donations is used for equipment or projects benefiting the library at the discretion of the Friends group. No receipts will be given for items put into the BookFest for free will donations to the Friends group.

(Adopted 10/10/06)

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