The Ainsworth Public Library will celebrate Teen Read Week from October 15-20, 2012. This special week is aimed at encouraging area teens to read for the fun of it. Our theme this year will be “Own the Night” which dares teens to read for the fun of it!
To add to the fun of the week, our library will be encouraging teens between 13 and 18 to sign up for some special prizes that will be given away in a drawing on Saturday, Oct. 20th. Lucky winners could win a t-shirt, string book bags, water bottles, key chains, magnetic bookmarks, and note pads. We will also be handing out book bags with the theme logo to the teenagers as long as the supply lasts.
Teen Read Week is a time to celebrate reading for fun and encourage teens to take advantage of reading in all its forms —books and magazines, e-books, audio books and more — and become regular library users.
“Teens have more activities to fill their free time than ever — web videos, social networking sites, video games, afterschool activities, athletics —and increasingly high expectations in the classroom,” said Librarian Gail Irwin. “It’s important that we show them that reading is something that’s fun and relaxing that they can do for free. And that reading for fun can translate into better performance at school.”
“Many families have learned to make do with less as a result of the economy and have flocked to the library,” said Irwin. “Teen Read Week is a great time to make sure teens and their families know about all the free services the library can offer them and to reach out to teens that aren’t regular users and encourage them to come see what they can find here.
Parents of teens are encouraged to celebrate Teen Read Week at home, as well. Librarian Gail Irwin offers these ideas:
- Visit the public or school library with your teen to check out books.
- Set aside time each night for the family to read.
- Give books or magazine subscriptions to your teen as a gift or reward.
- Share your favorite book with your teen.
- Go online with your teen to learn about new books or authors. A good place to start is YALSA’s Booklists and Book Awards page,