The Library has something new for patrons to check out. We now have mint/candy molds available for check out thanks to a recent donation. We have molds for girls, boys, sports, holidays, birthdays, and special occasions.They include a carousel horse, fairy castle, painters palette, tea set, Barbie accessories, dinosaurs, fire trucks, fireman hat, hydrant, cowboy items, Model T car, dice, golf player, playing cards, baseball cap, graduation items, baby booties, baby blocks, book cover, birthday, Valentine items, swans, Mother’s Day, balloons, hearts, wedding couple, congratulations, greetings, numbers as well as 50th– 40th-90th, Easter items (eggs, rabbit, baskets), Halloween items (cat, ghost, witch, pumpkins), Christmas items (package/gift, tree, bell, candy cane, wreath), all kinds of flowers, and a leaf. There are many more but just too many molds to list. Come see if the Library has what you need for your next important event!