Fundraiser Discussed at Library Foundation Board Meeting

The Ainsworth Library Foundation Board held their quarterly meeting on May 23, 2013 at the Ainsworth Public Library.  President Kara Welch called the meeting to order at 8:02 p.m.  Roll call showed all members present.  They included Richard Albrecht, Wendy Allen, Marsha Fuchs, Navonne Haake, Mark Kovar, Deanne Taylor, and Kara Welch.  Library Director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.

The board approved the minutes as well as the Treasurer Report.  The Gift Transaction List from February to May 15, 2013 was presented.  The following gifts were received:

In memory of Mrs. Francina Clapper from Mr. Mick Clapper

In memory of Mrs. Hazel Fry from Mrs. Joyce Schmidt

In memory of Mrs. Barbara Peterson from Mr. and Mrs. Royce Greder

In memory of Mrs. Susie Allen and Mrs. Marion Keys from the Board of Education and staff of the Ainsworth Community Schools.

$50 was received from the print cartridge recycle program and $27.63 from the donation jar.

Phase two of library improvements was discussed.  Fundraising was the main topic of discussion.  Holding a Garden Walk this summer was put on hold until next year due to the dry weather we have had the last several years..  We have decided to do this event every other year. Marsha Fuchs presented an idea to hold a Summer Solstice Support event where people would pledge funds for either the low or high on the first day of summer.  Marsha Fuchs and Deanna Taylor will work on getting this event rolling.  It was noted that the Brown County Foundation will give the Library a grant in the amount of $500 for our library improvements. They will be holding a barbeque on June 2nd where they will present the grant funds.  Wendy Allen and Kara Welch will attend to accept the grant.

The BTOP Grant was discussed.  It was noted that the grant paid for Northeast Community College to put on four different computer classes for our citizens.  We held one class for Photobook with Shutterfly, one class for Photo Memory Video, two sessions for MS Word, and two sessions for MS Excel.  We had a full class for each one.    Many nice comments were received on the classes.  The grant has also purchased our library a carrying case for the digital projector.  It was noted that this three year grant program ends in June of this year.

Wendy Allen reported that she had completed and mailed off the 990-EZ Tax form.

An update was given on the upcoming Summer Reading Programs that we hold for children age 2 to the 8th grade.  We have a Toddle Time, a Preschool Story time, K-4th Grade Reading Program, and a Middle School Lunch Bunch.  The toddlers and preschoolers will come on Tuesdays in June while the K-4th grade will come on Thursday.   The Lunch Bunch is held on two different times on a Wednesday in June and July.

The next meeting was set for August 15th at 8 p.m.  Since there was no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.

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