The Ainsworth Public Library will be celebrating Children’s Book Week from Nov. 17th to 22nd. Please bring your child to the Library for a visit and discover the joy of reading together. A special Book Week Story Time will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 18th from 4 – 5p.m. This will be geared to preschool age children to students in 2nd grade. Hope to see your child there as we do book related activities!
Other events this week include a drawing for prizes and Food for Fine Week. You may sign up all week long for special prizes for all ages. Just put your name and phone number in the box. The drawing will be held on Saturday, Nov. 22nd. This will also be a Food for Fine Week. Return your overdue item and pay no fine if you bring in a food item for the local Food Pantry.
We have lots of kid related book theme baskets to auction off on Saturday night at the Elks from 6- 8 p.m. We will be serving lots of great food so come hungry and do lots of bidding on the baskets at our Book Basket Silent Auction. We have baskets for all ages…something for everyone. All the proceeds will go towards our flooring project in Phase Two of Library Improvements.