The Ainsworth Library Foundation Board held its quarterly meeting on May 26, 2015 at the Ainsworth Public Library. The meeting was called to order by Kara Welch at 8 p.m. Roll call showed six members present. They included Wendy Allen, Marsha Fuchs, Gary Kinzie, Mark Kovar, Kara Welch, and Bev Whitney. Member Deanna Taylor was absent. Library Director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.
The minutes were read and approved as well as the treasurer’s report. Library Director stated that the state aid check had been received and was made out to the Foundation. Board directed Wendy Allen to endorse the check to the City Library as it is to go to the library’s city budget. One bill was approved for payment to Phyllis Leach for items she had purchased for around the fireplace area. Board approved of transferring $300 from the saving account to the checking account since its balance was getting low.
The Gift Transaction List from February to May 2015 was shared. It was noted that the Foundation received a gift from Mr. Mick Clapper. The bound edition of the 2014 Ainsworth Star Journal was received from Mr. and Mrs. Rod Worrell. The Ainsworth Community Schools Board of Education and school staff had presented memorials in memory of Mr. Don Linderman, Mr. Dwight Walker, Mr. Rick Finley, Mrs. Lois Jones, and Mr. Dale Wragge. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burchell gave a gift in memory of Mrs. Betty Snover. Each gift in support of the library is greatly appreciated.
Phase Two of Library Improvements were discussed. It was noted that we are getting closer to the end of our projects. The carpet has been installed and several rooms have been painted. Library staff will be painting the front lobby and by the rest rooms later this summer. Deanna Taylor is checking into material for the chairs and Marsha Fuchs has been looking for art work in the children’s area. Items left to do include the tile project, ADA Check-Out Desk, and ADA automatic door opener for front door. Library Director will apply for a grant on ADA items as grants become available.
It was noted that the 2014 Tax forms have been filed.
Fundraising events were discussed. It was noted that the Friends of the Library Bargain Byways Book Sale that Deanna held on April 24-26th raised a total of $110. Suggestions were shared for upcoming fundraising. The annual Garden Walk will be held next summer. The group decided that they will try to hold a half and half ticket sale at the Alumni Parade at the end of June. Helpers will need to found as many of our board members are involved with the Alumni classes.
The next meeting was set for August 20th at 8 p.m. Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.