Minutes from the June Library Board Meeting

The Ainsworth Library Board held its monthly meeting on June 8, 2017 at the Ainsworth Public Library. This meeting was advertised in the newspaper, over the radio, and posted on the library’s website as well as at the library. The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. Notice was given on the posting of the Open Meeting Act. Roll call showed three members present. They included Traci Alberts, Todd Flynn, and Phyllis Leach. Members that were absent included Mark Kovar and Alane Lentz. Visitors included Julie Mizner and Library Director, Gail Irwin.

Phyllis Leach made the motion to approve the minutes. Traci Alberts seconded this with all members voting in favor of. Traci Alberts made the motion to approve the claims for payment. Todd Flynn seconded this with all members voting in favor of. The Board also spent time doing a budget spending review. The Monthly Library Report for May was presented along with the List of Titles Purchased. It was noted that the ESL Class would be moving to a different location due to number of students increasing.

The Summer Reading Program Build a Better World was discussed. It was noted that a total of 57 children signed up for the Toddler Time, Preschool Storytime, and K-4th Grade Reading. The BKR Extension Office will be working with us to put on a program for the Middle/High Students. The dates include June 9th with surgery; June 19th with roller coaster; and July 11th with Lego Robotics. Both the extension office and the library have registration forms on-line.

Julie Mizner was present to visit with the Board on having funding to help special needs children at library program. Julie has a child with a disability attending the Preschool Summer Reading Program. She was upset when library director contacted her to see if she or someone else would be attending the program with her child as the library did not have enough helpers to do one on one with him. She said that the sign up form did not say anyone had to stay with the child and thought that the Library should provide this. The director did get Gail Sears to work directly with the child but Julie had found someone to be with him. Julie did say that she really doesn’t expect the library to hire a sign language person just for him but felt that the library should hire enough people to handle the reading programs. Julie left the meeting and the Board discussed this issue. They directed the Librarian to write a letter to the City and notify them on this request. The Board will also be reviewing our policies on children in the library.

Discussion was held on the Sign Language/Bilingual Language Class to be held on Thursdays in July. This will run from 4-5 p.m. and open to children age 5-8. Traci Alberts will be in charge of this program.

It was noted that Digitalization Project is moving along. The Library Foundation will provide $6,210 for the project. The Library has a total of $5,000 in the budget for this. The remaining $5,000 was requested in a grant application to the Brown County Foundation. The call came in today that the Brown County Foundation did approve the funding. We are currently waiting for a release form signed by Ainsworth Star Journal for copyright reasons and then we can process with the process through Advantage Preservation.

The Library had received two estimates for the outside repair on the soffit. Shawn Fernau Construction total was $2,100 and JC Construction total was $3,824. Phyllis Leach made the motion to go with the lowest estimate which was Shawn Fernau Construction. Traci Alberts seconded this with all members voting in favor of.

The Nebraska Library Commission was awarded a grant titled Library Innovation Studios: Transforming Rural Communities. Gail Irwin attended the 1 ½ webinar on the project introduction and review of the application process. This grant will allow 30 eligible libraries in Nebraska the opportunity to host this large Makerspace for 20 weeks in their community. The grant application has a deadline of July 10th. The director will be completing this form by the date due.

The Board worked on the proposed budget for the upcoming year of 2017-2018. The Board will review the budget one more time and then vote at the next meeting the proposed total amount.

The Board was given a review of the Library Foundation Board meeting held on May 18th and the NCompass Live: Makerspace Grant on June 7th. It was noted that the library staff is currently taking a month long class on the MyHeritage database.

Under correspondence, information was shared on the Central Plains Library Systems’ Month of Weeding in April. 37 libraries participated with more than 15,000 items weeded. Winners of the two Kindle Fire tablets were the Orleans Library and Valentine Community Schools. It was noted that the Nebraska OverDrive Libraries website launched a new interface and new URL on June 6th. The 2017 State Aid Award Letter was shared. It was noted that the Library would receive a total of $1,193. The award amount was determined by use of the following formula:
Base payment for libraries with a service population under 8,000 $565
Per capita payment of $0.073 x legal service area population of 1,621 $118
1% incentive payment for additional public funds of $11,000 $100
Incentive payment for Gold accreditation $400
A record number of Senators signed the LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) letter of support for funding in the upcoming federal budget. Libraries have been contacting their senators asking for support. The board reviewed the Evaluation of the 2012-2017 Library Services and Technology Act Plan by the Nebraska Library Commission. A thank you note was shared with the Board from Melissa Doke for the Nebraska Gift Basket that she won at the Library. Articles of interest from library newsletter and journals were shared with the Board.

The next meeting date and time was set for July 6th at 5 p.m. Since there was no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

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