July 6, 2017 @ 5 p.m.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Posting of Open Meeting Act
3. Roll call
4. Approve minutes
5. Approve claims for payment/review of budget spending
6. Monthly Library Report/List of Titles Purchased
7. Review of Summer Reading Program
a. Toddler Time
b. Preschool Story-Time
c. K-4th Grade Reading
d. Middle School/High School Events with Extension
1. Lego Robotics-July 11th
e. Reply from City Clerk on last month’s request from Julie Mizner
8. Tri-Lingual Language Class
9. Digitalization Project
10. Repair work on outside of building
11. Library Innovation Studios: Transforming Rural Communities Grant Application/Letters of Support
12. Finalize Proposed Budget for 2017-2018
13. Workshops/Meetings:
a. MyHeritage On-Line Class (Gail and Wanda completed)
b. Central Plains Library System Annual Meeting/Retirement Party for Sharon O. July 7th-Ravenna
c. State Advisory Committee Meeting-GotoMeeting On-Line-July 21st.
d. Library Foundation Board Meeting-August 17th
14. Correspondence:
a. Invite to host programs & exhibits in connection with new Ken Burns film: The Vietnam War
b. Articles of interest from Library Newsletters and Journals
15. Set next meeting date/time
16. Adjournment