Ainsworth Library Board Meeting
April 4, 2018 @ 5 p.m.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Give notice of the posting of the Open Meeting Act
3. Roll call
4. Approve minutes
5. Approve claims for payment/Review of budget spending
6. Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased
7. Library Innovation Studio (The Makerspace)
a. Update on tours, training, and creating
b. Show Case: April 2nd from 6-8 p.m.
1. Appreciation gifts to volunteers
2. Makerspace Survey
c. Equipment leaves April 9th
8. Expiration of Board Member-April 30th
9. New password for NebraskAccess databases
10. Summer Reading Program
11. Ainsworth Art Show and Display by Bright Horizon coming in April
12. Review Safety /Emergency Procedures Policy and Disruptive Behavior Policy
13. Meetings/Workshops:
a. Summer Reading Program Workshop-March 9th-Broken Bow
14. Correspondence:
a. American Library Assoc. sent information that Congress passed FY2018 omnibus spending bill that includes significant federal funding increases for Libraries
b. Articles of interest from library journals and newsletters
15. Set next meeting date/time
16. Adjournment
Library Information
Ainsworth Public Library
445 N. Main Street
P.O. Box 207
Ainsworth, NE 69210
(402) 387-2032
(402) 387-2032 FaxMonday 10:30 am–5 pm
Tuesday 10:30 am–7 pm
Wednesday 1 pm–5 pm
Thursday 10:30 am–5 pm
Friday 10:30 am–5 pm
Saturday 1 pm–5pmLocated on the corner of 5th and Main Streets
Local Resources
This site is part of the Nebraska Libraries on the Web project hosted by the Nebraska Library Commission.