It is that time of year again, registration time for the Summer Reading Program at the Ainsworth Public Library! The theme for this year’s Reading Program will be “Libraries Rock”. The June program will include music, dance, sound, song writing, and all kinds of instruments in the weekly topics. We even have a special program with the Lego Guy coming on June 8th.
Programing is planned for the toddlers, preschoolers, and students from K-4th grade. You may register your child/children from May 1st – May 14th for all of the summer fun. The on-line registration form may be found at or visit the library to fill out a paper form. We go by the grade just completed in the school year 2017-2018. If your child has special needs you will need someone to stay and assist with the child.
Toddler Time for the children aged two and three, will be held on Tuesdays in June from 4:30-5 p.m. We do ask that an adult stay with the child during this time. Preschool Summer Storytime will be held in June from 1-2 p.m. for the four and five year olds that have not been to Kindergarten yet.
Fun Hours for the grade school students will be held on Thursdays (June 14th, June 21st, and June 28th). K-1st grade come from 1-2 p.m. and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade will come from 3-4 p.m. Please note that for the first week of the Reading Program, the K-4th grade level of children will come on Friday, June 8th , for the LEGO Guy presentation at 2 p.m. Since the 4th of July will fall on the day that we usually hold the ending picnic, we will not be holding a picnic this year.
Music brings people together. Throughout history and around the world, music has been a special part of people’s lives. It continues to play a fundamental role in celebrations, self-expression, communication, connection, and daily life. Plan on having a “swingin’ summer” as we celebrate the fact that libraries rock! If you have any questions, please stop by the library or call 387-2032 for more information.