The Ainsworth Public Library’s Book Discussion Group will be starting up for another year of reading and literary sharing. The group will be meeting on September 16th at the library starting at 2 p.m. Come prepared to share information on a great book you read during the summer. We will also be voting on upcoming titles to read.

The October book “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein will be handed out at this time. This title has been very popular and recently came out in a movie. This novel has everything: love, tragedy, redemption, danger, and a canine narrator. You will go on an unforgettable journey through the mind, through the eyes, and nose—of a dog named Enzo. The story line gives us a beautifully crafted and captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life, as only a dog could tell it.

The title for the November selection will be the 2019 One Book One Nebraska title of “This Blessed Earth: A Year in the Life of an American Family Farm” by Ted Genoways.

If you have an interest in being in our Book Discussion Group, please come on September 16th. All readers are welcome! Call the library at 402-387-2032 if you have any questions.

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