The Ainsworth Public Library is happy to announce a new educational resource at the Library just in time for Veteran’s Day. The Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service and the National Museum of American History have joined forces to bring you “World War I: Lessons and Legacies”, a beyond-the-textbook look at the war and its aftermath. The eight large posters are currently on display in the meeting room for you to view. We also have books on World War 1 in the display case. Please stop by and view the historical posters.
The exhibition was created with generous support from the United States World War 1 Centennial Commission and Smithsonian Women’s Committee to provide a poster exhibition that provides a unique opportunity for our students or visitors. This display enables us to explore often-overlooked aspects of Americans’ role in the war and many of the innovations, complexities, and contradictions of a post-war world that seemed-especially in the United States-so suddenly modern. World War 1 arose from widespread social, political, cultural, and economic upheavals that were reshaping the world in the opening decades of the 20th century. The war accelerated those changes, transforming public and private life in ways that continue to reverberate today.
Our library will also be receiving an Educator’s Guide with an introduction on how to use the posters in the classroom, standards alignments (Common Core, C3, National Standards for History, and National Standards for Social Studies), critical thinking questions and suggested learning strategies, and addition resources for further investigation. If a teacher is interested in using this Exhibition in their classroom, please contact the library and we will set-up a time for you to use it with your students.