Ainsworth Library Board Meeting will be held on
September 2, 2020 at 5 p.m.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act
3. Roll call
4. Approve minutes of last meeting
5. Approve claims for payment/Budget spending review
6. Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased
7. Library Board Terms:
A. Welcome Staci Gilliland to complete Pedro Bordes term
B. Traci Ganser moving out of city limits
8. Budget request for 2020-2021
9. Part-Time Library Aide Position
10. COVID-19
A. Make any changes to hours/children attendance with adult
B. REALM Project Test: hard plastic covers/storage bag kits/storage box/Plexiglas
C. Publishers extend permissions for Read Alouds
11. Exhibits on 19th Amendment Centennial
A. “Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote” from National Archives
B. “Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence” from Smithsonian
C. “Women’s Suffrage Book Set for Youth” from ALA
12. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Sign-Up-August 29th-Chamber’s Back to School Bash
13. Reader Zone
A. 1,000 Minute Challenge during August
B. NLC awarded CARES grant to provide year-long access to Reader Zone free of charge for Nebraska libraries
14. Library Card Sign-Up Month during September
15. Workshops/Meetings:
A. Central Plains Library System Thursday Zoom Meetings: August 6, 13, 20, & 27
Keeping Staff & hiring during COVID-19; Budgets & Cuts; Staff Quarantine List; Reclosing of library or putting restrictions back in place; Reader Zone; Survey; and Seeing what people want/need from libraries right now
B. Library Foundation Board Meeting-August 26th
Cricut Machine and Learning Activity Bags purchased; New Board Member
C. Joint Youth Services Retreat-Sept 3rd
D. ARSL 2020 Virtual Conference/Sept. 28-Oct. 2nd: Wanda already has grant to attend and Gail has applied for a grant to attend
16. Correspondence:
A. OverDrive notice to discontinue support for devices that use the outdated TLS 1.0 and 1.1 Security Protocols in October
B. Thank You Cards from Eli and Olivia Beel
C. Articles of interest from library newsletters/journals
17. Set next meeting date/time
18. Adjournment