Library Updates Covid-19 Procedures

The Ainsworth Library announces changes to its procedures due to the increase of Covid-19 in our local area.   Our goal is to provide library service and keep the public safe. 

Face coverings must be worn inside the library.  We are requiring this to keep our library patrons and staff safe.  With our small staff,the building will be closed if library workers get sick.  All library staff will continue wearing masks when working with the public or in a public area.  Everyone visiting the library is required to use hand sanitizer before entering the main area of the building.  Social distancing of six feet or more is encouraged and recommended.  Individuals are allowed a maximum of thirty minutes in the library per visit. If you would like curbside service, please let the library know by calling (402-387-2032) or by emailing (

Patrons using the computers will also have a time limit of thirty minutes and can use the equipment once a day.  Please note, staff may not be able to help with computer use due to social distancing. Those who need additional time for applications, coursework, tax documents or similar items are asked to talk to the staff.  You may access our Wi-Fi connection outside of the library in your vehicle or just sitting on the benches.

The book drop is open 24 hours, seven days a week.  All returned items must be returned through the book drop and are subject to a cleaning and a 72-hour quarantine.  We ask that if your family has been sick and need to return items, please put your items in a plastic bag and tie it shut.  A note on the bag would also be nice so that staff can take extra precaution measures.  Library organizations that have done scientific testing on library materials have shown that covid-19 virus can live up to six days on some items.

While we are open shorter hours than usual each day, we are open Monday through Saturday.  The hours include Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Wednesday and Saturday from 1-5 p.m.  Thank you for your continued patronage!

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