It’s “Blind Date With a Book” time again this February at the Ainsworth Public Library. Patrons may come in and choose a specially wrapped book to read based only on the clues given on the wrapper. After reading their literary date, readers are asked to return their Rate Your Date form to be entered into a drawing for a book lovers gift basket. A popular program with many libraries, the Ainsworth Library has been providing book dates each February since 2017. The number of books and readers participating has grown each year with many readers coming back for a second date! Stop in and check one out!
Library Information
Ainsworth Public Library
445 N. Main Street
P.O. Box 207
Ainsworth, NE 69210
(402) 387-2032
(402) 387-2032 FaxMonday 10:30 am–5 pm
Tuesday 10:30 am–7 pm
Wednesday 1 pm–5 pm
Thursday 10:30 am–5 pm
Friday 10:30 am–5 pm
Saturday 1 pm–5pmLocated on the corner of 5th and Main Streets
Local Resources
This site is part of the Nebraska Libraries on the Web project hosted by the Nebraska Library Commission.