Minutes of the January Library Board Meeting

The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on February 3, 2021.  This meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, over the radio, posted at the library and on the library’s website.  President Phyllis Leach called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act was shown.  Roll call showed all five members present.   They included Todd Flynn, Stacey Gilliland, Luke Hitchcock, Phyllis Leach, and Alane Lentz.  The Library Director was also present for the meeting.

Alane Lentz moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Todd Flynn seconded this motion with all members voting in favor of.  Stacey Gilliland made the motion to approve the claims for payment.  Alane Lentz seconded this.  All members voted in favor of.  The Monthly Library Report for January was presented. 

It was noted that the Library did two Take and Make Packets in January featuring snowmen.  The two packets for February will feature Valentine crafts.  The March packets will feature Dr. Seuss.

The 2021 One Book One Nebraska title of “Prairie Forge” by James Kimble will be discussed at the Book Club on February 16th at 2 p.m.  The Library Director has been researching the scrap metal drive during WWII in our local newspaper and finding some interesting articles.  If anyone remembers recycling metal at this time, they are encouraged to share with the Library.  Director attended the NCompass Live webinar on the 3rd which featured this book and author.

The Library is currently helping people access the Covid-19 Vaccine Sign Up website.  If we cannot help a person, they are referred to the Vaccine Hotline.

The wind-snow storm in January did some damage to the north side of the library.  Some of the tin was blown off and needs repaired.  The City Clerk saw the damage and said to get it repaired.  A person has been called but has not answered back yet.

Our Blind Date with a Book is in full swing again this year.   Wanda Raymond has picked twenty-five titles to be in this year’s selection.  Readers are asked to complete the Rate Your Date card after reading the book and then they will be put in the drawing for a Love Basket.

The upcoming Tales and Tails Summer Reading Program was discussed.  It is unknown at this time if we will be able to hold in person programing.  Staff has ordered posters, bookmarks, crafts items, and prizes.  The Summer Reading Program Workshop that was to be held on Jan. 26th was postponed due to a snow storm.   This virtual workshop has been rescheduled to Feb. 9th.  Our bag of goodies (crafts patterns, game ideas, etc.) for the workshop was shared with the board.

It was noted that Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day) will be celebrated on March 1st.  Due to Covid-19 no programing will be done in person but staff is planning to do something on Facebook. 

The Covid-19 restrictions at the Library were discussed.  The Board gave permission for the Library to expand open hours on Tuesdays to 7 p.m. starting on Feb. 9th.  This will make it easier for patrons that work to visit the library.  Masks will still be required in the Library.  We will continue this requirement for as long as the school is enforcing face coverings.

 An update was given on workshops/meetings attended by staff.  It was noted that the System Office is holding a February Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead all month long.  Staff attended the zoom meeting that explained this S.T.E.A.M. program.   Each weekday during February the library will receive a video, instructions, and in some cases supplies to do the activities.  Libraries will have all year to share these projects with our young students.  It was noted that Big Talk for Small Libraries Conference will be held on Feb. 26th.  The Board gave permission last month to close the library on that date so that staff could attend the all day sessions.   The schedule was shared with the board members in case they would like to attend.  It was noted that the Library Foundation Board would be meeting later this month.

Under correspondence, a letter from Rod Wagner at the Nebraska Library Commission was received congratulating our library for being an America’s Star Library.  Information was shared from OverDrive on magazines now being available to our users.  Over 3,000 magazines have been added.  Most are in English.  Other languages include Spanish, French, Chinese, German, and Japanese.  Promotional work is currently being done to spread the word to users.  Items of interest from library newsletters and journals were also shared with the Board.

The next meeting was set for March 3rd at 5 p.m.  Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

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