The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on March 3, 2021 at the Ainsworth Public Library. This meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, over the radio, posted at the Library and on the Library’s website. President Leach called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. Notice was given on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. Roll call showed all members present. They included Todd Flynn, Stacey Gilliland, Luke Hitchcock, Phyllis Leach, and Alane Lentz. Library Director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.
Phyllis Leach made the motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Todd Flynn seconded this with all members voting in favor of. Alane Lentz moved to approve the claims for payment. Luke Hitchcock seconded this with all voting in favor of. The Board did a review of the budget spending. The Monthly Library Report for February was presented as well as a list of titles purchased.
Library staff continues to help the public sign up for the Covid-19 Vaccination. We assisted a total of 15 in February. We also have been handing out Vaccination Consent Form for people to take with them when they get the shot.
The Library ran the Blind Date with a Book all of February. We had selected a total of 25 books for people to pick their date from. A total of 18 were checked out. The Rate Your Date cards were shared with the Board. All but one date was successful. Shirley Gambill won the “Love Basket” which was donated by Wanda Raymond. Staff has plans to include the children next year with a “Sweet Read” program.
An update was given on the Book Club. The 2021 One Book One Nebraska title was the featured selection. The group was to meet on April 16th but had to move the date to the 18th due to the extreme cold weather. We only had 4 readers attend the discussion. A total of 10 readers had checked out the book. The next title for March will be “Big Little Lies”. The last title for the Book Club will be “Zoo Nebraska” in April.
The Take and Make Packets was discussed. It was noted that we did three packets in February. Packets featured turtle Valentines, a heart windsock, and a Valentine paper circuits. A total of 36 items were handed out. The March packets will feature Dr. Seuss characters (Horton Headband and Wocket in my Pocket).
An update was given on Read Across America (Dr. Seuss Day). Besides the Take and Make Packets featuring Dr. Seuss, we are doing a Name that Dr. Seuss Book on the library’s Facebook page. A photo from one of Dr. Seuss’s book will be posted each day. People are to list in the comments the book it came from. If they get the answer right, we have wonderful Dr. Seuss Bookmarks to give them. A Dr. Seuss display was also put up to highlight his books. The Board was sad to hear that some people have complained about his books being racist and the publisher has decided not to publish six of his books. The President of the U.S. even refused to endorse Dr. Seuss Day. Some libraries are following suit and not doing Dr. Seuss celebrations.
There was nothing to report on the wind damage to the roof. Director is still trying to get someone to look and fix the damage on the roof line from the strong wind.
The Covid-19 Restrictions at the library was discussed. No changes will be made at this time. Masks will still be required, social distancing enforced, and items being returned must go in the outside book drop. Hopefully soon, staff will have their covid-19 vaccinations as well as members of the community.
National Library Week will be celebrated from April 4-10th. Activities will be held on-line through Facebook. A drawing will be held for books.
D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything and Read Day) will be held on April 12th. The library will promote the importance of reading for fun each day.
Reviews of the various workshops/meeting attended by staff was given on the Summer Reading Program workshop on Feb. 9th; The Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead on Feb. 1st; Reader Zone Zoom Meeting on Feb. 18th; the Library Foundation Board meeting on Feb. 18th; Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting on Feb. 4th, 18th, and 25th; and the Big Talk for Small Libraries on Feb. 26th. Coming up will be the State Advisory Council on Libraries on March 19 by way of Go To Meeting and the Read for Resilience on March 23 by the Nebraska Extension.
Under correspondence we had the new password for the NebraskAccess databases and a letter from the Central Nebraska Economic Development in Chamber Nebraska on help gathering speed tests on Broadband service. Items of interest from various library newsletters and journals were shared with the Board.
The next meeting date and time was set for April 7th at 5 p.m. Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.